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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. The modeled Charlottesville snow hole (or snow chasm) continues to be real this year.
  2. 12z GFS also says nope on the anafrontal stuff. Looks like it might try again with a follow-up storm though.
  3. Stick with the CMC. This is all pretty much white rain unless you are north/west, it’s like 38 at DCA.
  4. How do people feel about temps? I’m obviously not picky and just happy to see snow, but this seems rate dependent with temps at present.
  5. Does the temperature map only go out to 132? Just curious, because maps don’t line up based on hour.
  6. Can't believe we didn't have an event thread for this historic day... /s
  7. A couple of the local Charlottesville mets are honking about late next week already. Could be fun times ahead.
  8. We are out of the preseason and into meteorological winter. Time to pull out the big gun snow maps.
  9. Might need an Winter Digital Snow Thread now...
  10. Pretty sure I’m seeing an occasional flake in Charlottesville. Big win.
  11. Hmmm... some precip on radar SW of Charlottesville. Probably just rain, but I might keep an eye on it and see if it moves overhead. Don't got much else to do.
  12. It's definitely the storm that made me a winter weather weenie. Vivid memories of the Local on the 8s, a week (ok maybe less) off of school before Christmas, watching the snow spread over the area on the crappy weather channel radar... classic.
  13. Helluva 18z GFS run if you like a freakish Texas ice storm.
  14. Still a ways to go... 00z NAM flashed this look at us: Gets some snow into much of the sub forum. Worth watching, especially the NE Maryland folks (who I think have already been watching)
  15. Go Hoos! Couldn’t have asked for a nicer day.
  16. they aren’t all that worth sharing...
  17. 00z: 12z: If it keeps shifting southwest, we’re in the game lol.
  18. Did a Turkey Trot this morning. Time to collapse the rest of the day.
  19. Snowing again at 138 in NE Maryland, getting a little deform action. the weatherbell maps I’m using seem to be outputting a little different then the TTT maps, btw
  20. Subzero 850s but the surface isn’t great. With rates it could make for a pretty scene. eh actually it’s 33-34 and with the GFS’ UHI overestimation it’s close
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