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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. 12z EPS say absolutely not for the 22nd. I'm back out.
  2. I've made fun of the people being hopeful about a storm on the 22nd already but the 00z EPS of last night vs. the 12z EPS yesterday are pretty darn different. Will it matter... probably not. But its an interesting shift towards a low of the SE coast.
  3. the real diehard weenies are trying to bring hope back to the LR thread. we live in truly desperate times.
  4. Looks like KLWX radar has been fixed — looks normal on RadarScope.
  5. 45/27 down here in Charlottesville. Good luck to everyone else!
  6. GEFS is not going to make any friends. Other than one really friendly member, most are suppressed/laugh at us for thinking there was a storm at all.
  7. If its not going to snow it might as well be 70, honestly.
  8. The major caveat that it is the 36 hour HRRR aside, the 00z HRRR looks really nice. Might even give poor old me a flake in Charlottesville.
  9. Yeah those mountains are pesky... we still need to come together and get enough money to raise money to tear those down. But this seems like a pretty significant run-to-run change. Was hoping the amped-ness would show up on our side of the Blue Ridge.
  10. Just looking at the changes in the precip over Indiana on this 18z NAM run vs. 12z you have to think this is gonna be a good run for somebody.
  11. I think I’d want to try living in an actual snow climate for a year, but I almost love the chase more than anything. 300” almost seems boring. Why watch the models if you get 4” of snow for free every night and a blizzard every two weeks?
  12. I’ll be back in Charlottesville taking my last two finals... hopefully this is an octomom kind of situation or else this thread is just a bad distraction.
  13. I’m benching Bell for Laird tonight. Feels kinda gross.
  14. I actually sent them an email asking where it was 20 minutes ago because I was frustrated... they told me to check under multi-parameter. Even they don't know.
  15. Two below "Snowfall - 10 Day." A search bar feature on the website would do wonders, if it worked well.
  16. It’s not great... but WeatherModels wasn’t any better last year. And thanks Yoda. I probably scrolled over it a couple hundred times this season already.
  17. lurking through 33andRain and I do see that apparently GEFS+PType for all members is available on WeatherBell? If anyone knows how to find that I would love to know.
  18. All of this said, I did some experimenting and found out that yes, copying their link and just simply embedding it could theoretically lead you to getting caught. If they would really take the time to track that down though, that says a lot more about their paranoia than anything else. Tough to be banned without an account and a VPN though. If you download the image, save it, and reupload it to Imgur, that is a totally different story.
  19. Of course they can ban me, I just don’t get how they’d find out. It would seem to be a lot more effort then it’s worth. I know you can upload photos to AmericanWx, which I guess might tag them in some way if you were to lift them and post it elsewhere. I’d imagine 33andRain has something similar. But I have to think you’d have to do a whole bunch of work to possibly figure out it was stolen. I guess if they really have “spies” and an image is posted there and it is quickly played here... but lol.
  20. I just don’t understand... it’s not original content, it comes from other websites, right? It’s hardly proprietary content. Does every photo that gets embedded on their site automatically get watermarked? This makes no sense to me.
  21. lol, ok. Do they understand how the Internet works? I’ve never actually done this but it makes me want to.
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