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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. 15-20dbz returns can’t do it, so probably not gonna get to record my T today. Sun is shining through the clouds.
  2. Got some returns overhead but doesn’t look like it’s snowing in Charlottesville. Hopefully things moisten up a little bit. Would love some mood flakes.
  3. Say what you will, but as others have mentioned, the models have continued to be jumpy. Look at the changes on the EURO Control. 06z: 12z: That said they are both still rain.
  4. 12z NAM took a jump towards a more ICON-like solution with the chance for snow on Thursday. Not there yet, though.
  5. nah, I'm all in on the Thursday storm shown on the ICON for MBY.
  6. Not even an NBA fan but a death like that is so shocking... I hate to think about it at all. Helicopters = death traps. Not blaming him at all, but this affirms my fear of small planes and helicopters. Not even once.
  7. for reference. definitely a lot of rain/maybe some sleet for most in addition to the snow.
  8. Perfect happy hour run for CHO... 6-8" and a couple tenths of ice at the end. Where is @Snowchaser?
  9. Reviving this thread could save winter. You never know...
  10. Not that I wouldn't take it in a heartbeat, but its like 4" of snow in 36 hours. Snow TV++
  11. There is obviously a lot more too it than this simple .gif of the surface, but you can't hate where its going. ninja'd
  12. the Charlottesville snow hole is disgusting
  13. Family says light snow has begun again in Arlington.
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