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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. I’m not taking about the number of people dying (though ultimately, I am), it is the absolute overwhelming of hospitals. I think at this point it’s clear we are gonna agree to disagree though so I’ll drop it!
  2. Even so, this is so easy. Look at what is happening in Lombardy. Look at what happened in Wuhan. Nothing near that happened anywhere during Swine Flu.
  3. Quick math... that is a fatality rate of 0.02%. What is the low-bar estimate on Coronavirus fatalities? .5-1% of cases — albeit with symptoms noticeable enough to get diagnosed. That rate becomes much, much higher when a bunch of cases appear in one area, which is why things get shut down. What is happening in Lombardy isn’t fake... I don’t understand why people continually seek to minimize the severity of this issue. And for the record, schools definitely closed for swine flu. Obviously things weren’t cancelled at this level. But swine flu was much less severe, and potentially less contagious. People really think famous NBA players, UK and Brazilian government officials, Tom Hanks, and the wife of Justin Trudeau are randomly getting the virus while common folk remain unaffected? Hint: it’s already everywhere, these guys just have the clout to get rushed tests. Maybe that is a good sign that the fatality number might be lower, but given the number of vulnerable people... why not shut things down?
  4. dunno about you, but I’ve been impressed with the fairly rapid speed we’ve managed to socially distance in the past 48 hours. It should have happened weeks ago, and the testing has still been horrendous, but the rapid progress by private companies, state governments, and schools has given me some hope that we are making good progressing on flattening the curve. The virus is almost 100% already in most metropolitan communities, but many people seem to be taking it seriously. I’ve felt a seismic shift amongst my peers in the past few days.
  5. yep. It’s just frustrating. But I definitely plan to buy, just not for probably another three weeks. I’m not optimistic. When we get there, it’s a fire sale!!!!
  6. I’ve got a ton of time (about to turn 20!) but the stock market drops have been painful. Not that I called this in advance, but I thought about pulling out two weeks ago and was advised against it. Feel a little dumb. I’ve got chump change in compared to most of you, but my slush-fund-to-get-me-rich-by-30 is sad. I’m prepared to buy the dip in 2-3 weeks.
  7. about to be the two-year reigning champion! Go Hoos!
  8. bump on the thanks! My rushed messages while on Spring Break (yes, chastise me for my hypocrisy) were not doing it justice.
  9. I’ll drop this soon because it depresses me a bit to talk about it, but it is all about flattening the curve. We need to keep ICU’s and hospitals available for those who need help. It isn’t rocket science to see why it’s best to shut things down for awhile, inconvenience be dammed. See: Spanish Flu. Or check out any of the other hundreds of graphs that say the same thing.
  10. who takes care of the 80+ers? Who gets the caretakers their food? Do they visit their families? Do they go to the grocery store? What about the teenage grocers who will almost 100% be fine but will spread the virus? You can’t just stick 80+ers on an island. Why not mitigate the spread and lower the damage curve? It’s irresponsible to do anything else. Trust me, I feel bad for everyone’s investments. But lives > money here. Tough to convince me otherwise.
  11. Unfortunately, I (and others!) quite like some of the old and sickly — some of whom are my professors, family member, and probably some of you all. I don’t like that my classes are moving online, but social distancing and isolation is hardly a waste of time. We are talking about lives here, people. C’mon now.
  12. welp, there go my in-person classes. At least I’ll be in Arlington for the late-March blizzard!
  13. I’d really like to get under one of these storms. Looks fun.
  14. Any graupel? Some people on mPING are reporting a mix.
  15. kinda hot outside. 66 and mostly sunny
  16. Not severe but nice and gusty with some loud T&L in Charlottesville. Fantastic storm for February
  17. kinda feel bad for Chicago here. Tough forecast.
  18. At Massanutten today to ski and see a little snow. Kinda hot outside!
  19. don’t bury her until she’s dead. If I see an hour or so of snow I’m satisfied.
  20. The frontogen maps really suggest there should be banding further north.... will it actually happen? Idk. I’m expecting a decent last second north jump either way.
  21. GEFS continues to give Charlottesville/Central VA a little tease. One can hope
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