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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. China fought the virus by enforcing social distancing to an extreme you don't want... they welded morons who were going to leave their houses into them and covered the highways with mounds of dirt to stop people from leaving their cities. The death toll and number of cases there is likely underdone (though I'm not sure I believe its as dramatically underdone as others, hell, our case numbers and fatality numbers are way underdone), but they stopped it through social distancing. They aren't out of the woods yet though, other countries could bring it back to them. China instituted strong social distancing and, you are right! Massive drop off! That is proof it works. Jesus. I'm sure China is laughing at the U.S. response, I know I am. Yes, everyone catching the virus and getting immune would solve the problem quickly. But also millions of people would die. So weigh that how you will.
  2. Checkpoints would be when this gets real... imagine being stopped crossing the American Legion Bridge. Tough to imagine.
  3. Could be wrong, but I don’t see it. Doesn’t seem to line up with the velocity scans/rotation — which is super limited
  4. yup, pretty shocked to be awoken by thunder. Kinda nice though!
  5. I’m not confident about going back in the fall, honestly. Question is whether we do this correctly or we all just get tired of the situation/the economic and social damage becomes too much to bear.
  6. This is a CAD setup, correct? I’m sure it’ll get a little colder. I definitely didn’t hate the 18z ICON. I’m sure we can at least get one last good NAM’ing out of this.
  7. It is percentage wise. The increase is far from its original exponential track.
  8. IIRC the “suck it up scenario” has 80% of the population getting infected with 2.2-4 million Americans dying — this is the Imperial College study. As a young and healthy person, it is a tempting option to have this over with in a month or so. But it’s simply not responsible.
  9. it put enough pressure out there for me to be officially done with in-person classes this semester... shocked they didn’t pull the plug earlier. Truly saddening. It’s a necessary sacrifice, but you only have so many years of college. Thankfully I really like my family. Based on some of the more dire projections for the virus I’ve read, who even knows if I’ll be back in the fall.
  10. Seriously? Sick with Coronavirus or not, you had a high fever this morning than went to a buffet-type eatery to get food? God help us all.
  11. GEFS supports the idea of snow in the western part of the subforun... might be something to legitimately watch
  12. Nope, probably not! This is a national emergency. Rights and freedoms are greater limited in these times. There is centuries-old precedent to support such measures. Shutting down large gatherings in a time of a pandemic... really a fantastic idea. Let’s not go straight to conspiracy.
  13. I’ve definitely seen people arguing the constitutionality of these prohibitions online. People apparently haven’t taken enough Constitutional Law to know that every right can be limited... the First Amendment included. Not gonna win a Freedom of Assembly case during a national emergency.
  14. Beyond frustrating. No economic stimulus seems to help — the market knows what’s coming. Just gonna have to ride it out and watch it hit the floor.
  15. Bars and restaurants will be closed everywhere by the end of this week. Illinois and Ohio just shut them all down starting 9pm tonight. Other states will likely follow.
  16. if people haven’t registered that we are going into an Italy/Spain/China style lockdown within the next 1-2 weeks... they are gonna be in for a shock.
  17. Listen, people can live their lives however they want. All that you have to know is by not changing your habits, you making it possible for the disease to better spread through your community. Go through the Washington Post simulation I posted earlier for a visual demonstration. Will you die by going out to Starbucks? You almost surely won’t. However, it remains unnecessary — get a freaking Keurig.
  18. Asymptomatic transmission seems possible, FWIW. But “social distancing” with a larger group is possible, as long as everyone holds up their end of the bargain and actually only hangs out with people in that group. It takes one person to screw it up.
  19. If you got the sec, please read/watch this fantastic article. If you don’t get why they want people to stay indoors, I don’t know what’ll convince you.
  20. What do you define as kids? I was (and still an) particularly non-rebellious, so if my parents told me to stay inside, I would. I could have video games to play if I craved social interaction. [emoji14]My mom is telling my 16 year old sister to stay inside and to not hang out with friends, so she will. Isn’t the job of parents to keep their kids safe? I guess if older kids are going to climb out the windows and not listen to their parents, you’re right, the issue isn’t completely solved. Still better than having 500-3,000 of them locked in a small school building.
  21. Yep! Thanks for the assist. I shouldn’t write posts two minutes after I wake up. Having a virus run through a school system is the fastest way to make sure it ends up absolutely everywhere in the community. Kids spread germs like crazy, and in the case of these disease especially they are likely carriers. Shutting down the schools will not cause a spike.
  22. Going to disagree with your above points. Shutting down the schools has the effect of not having kids spread things to teachers, janitorial staff, and other kids. It is largely up to parents to wrangle their children and make them wash their hands/keep them home (which is their job in many ways!) — keeping them home 100% decreases virus spread. Why do you think kids stay home from school when sick originally? To decrease the spread of illness and put them in a better spot to recover. When I was sick in K-12 (only a couple years ago) I would stay home as to rest and drink lots of fluids. The whole point of social distancing is to make sure that if you are going to infect someone, it is only your family.
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