Man, this coulda been a good event. Pretty wet, quick storm.
HRRR has been getting snowier and snowier on the backend. I'd love an hour of flakes. I'm not picky.
yeah, this one hurt a little bit. We got jipped pretty hard. Just heard a decent crack of thunder, at least.
lol, a small cell just popped up overhead. I'll take the consolation prize.
hah, maybe I should be going down to Charlottesville to chase for three days. My poor off-Grounds house is just sitting there vacant... an enhanced, maybe moderate risk tomorrow? Then 6” of snow on the GFS Wednesday? Sign me up.
Yeah, I tried to subtly make that point yesterday. This is a partisan issue. Had to write a whole paper about it for my News Media class. There isn’t really a way around it. That said, I prefer it when we keep it implicit and subtle! Makes the slight disses more fun.