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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. GFS had the same storm at 18z yesterday, GEFS offers a little bit of support now too. It’s obviously not going to happen, but it’s a testament to this crappy cold patten that there is even a window barely cracked open.
  2. You buried the lede. Check the Control.
  3. did you ever watch The Avengers? I think Loki made some good points
  4. Test looks somewhat painful, or at the bare minimum extremely uncomfortable from what I’ve seen, though I’m also a wimp. How was it?
  5. I’ve been jogging to try and stay in shape, and today was hot. Sweating horribly after just a couple minutes. It can stay 55-65 as long as it wants, IMO.
  6. Don’t know what this metric is for flooding, but a flood event in Arlington would be some excitement I don’t need right now! At least it’s a super easy chase.
  7. my question would be: was this data collected during school closures? If so, I gotta say this result seems obvious. Younger kids aren’t going to be going anywhere or spreading anything.
  8. not gonna lie, saw the headline and was about to say that the article must be crazy. Read that and it made a lot of sense! I'm still skeptical it's truly constant -- I feel like modern medicine must have a non-negligible effect -- but a ton of deaths at age "0" certainty would bring the average down sharply.
  9. I’ve had sun in N Arlington for 20-30 minutes. 63/44
  10. What tends to also have a really bad effect on a financial system is people being unable to pay their bills, buy lifesaving medications, feed their families, spend money on anything other than essential goods, etc. Economic productivity decreases when you can’t pay the power and water bill!
  11. Seems like I missed my chance to buy in on the lowest part of dip for COVID-19... might try and find a way to profit off this a little bit. Maybe $USO?
  12. I dunno... ultimately the risk level is irrelevant (as mentioned above) but was anyone seriously suggesting a high risk until it got “leaked” an hour ago?
  13. Agreed, it’s a lose-lose. But if holding onto the lockdown for a couple more weeks could prevent us having to do it again throughout next fall and winter... that would be the lesser national tragedy, IMO.
  14. Much more afraid that ending the lockdowns early is the wrong call and we are all stuck inside longer! Oh, and it means thousands more people will die. If it’s the right call, that’s fantastic and it means I can enjoy my summer. If it’s wrong, it’ll be an unprecedented national tragedy.
  15. KanJam is so fun. If you have the yard space, Spikeball is great too, though that game is ideally played on the beach. Now I’m upset that I’m missing my Beach Week... sigh
  16. This is my chance to grow my hair out... going for a lacrosse player look. Had to give up on the beard though. Wasn’t doing me any favors.
  17. Because I've been coming at you with citations, I will say that this is true! Though, again, the hospital was for non-COVID-19 patients. "Set up about a week ago by hundreds of U.S. Army soldiers, the 250-bed field hospital was intended to handle any overflow of non-COVID-19 patients while area medical centers dealt with the pandemic." I'd bet a significant amount of money that typical injuries and accidents have markedly decreased during lock-downs, of which Washington State has been in longer than anywhere in the United States. I think your premise -- the hospital system in the Seattle area hasn't been overwhelmed -- is correct. https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2020/04/09/seattles-army-built-field-hospital-is-coming-down-without-treating-a-single-patient/
  18. source? I’ll keep asking you all night until you get there.
  19. pssst... they are empty because of administrative issues, a wholly separate deal to the severity of the situation. "On top of its strict rules preventing people infected with the virus from coming on board, the Navy is also refusing to treat a host of other conditions. Guidelines disseminated to hospitals included a list of 49 medical conditions that would exclude a patient from admittance to the ship. Ambulances cannot take patients directly to the Comfort; they must first deliver patients to a city hospital for a lengthy evaluation — including a test for the virus — and then pick them up again for transport to the ship." https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/nyregion/ny-coronavirus-usns-comfort.html From the same article: "Across the city, hospitals are overrun. Patients have died in hallways before they could even be hooked up to one of the few available ventilators in New York. Doctors and nurses, who have had to use the same protective gear again and again, are getting sick. So many people are dying that the city is running low on body bags." Gotta actually read the article, not just the headlines.
  20. thanks! That sounds reasonable and far from what the implication seemed to be.
  21. “Even if states lifted “stay at home” orders tomorrow, most people in the United States won’t go back to their normal routines right away, according to a new Gallup poll. About 70% of Americans would “wait to see what happens” after restrictions are lifted before returning to normal life and 10% said they would “limit contact/activities indefinitely,” according to the poll released Tuesday. Twenty percent said they would return to their normal activities immediately.” Read more here: https://www.sacbee.com/news/coronavirus/article241995696.html#storylink=cpy
  22. feel like I might be saying a flake in between raindrops, mPING suggests it’s possible. I’ll probably never know!
  23. When I made the comment (2 hours ago) the sim radar was showing up as this, showing that people under the heavier stuff seemed to have a chance at mixing. Admittedly, it's backed off on this!
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