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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. Wow, this is a loud one for 5:00am.
  2. this is one of the worst pity warnings in recent memory. Barely anything greater than 20mph winds north of a line from Montclair to Waldorf.
  3. Super close strikes to my house. What a night.
  4. Windier than yesterday IMBY. Wouldn’t have guessed from the radar presentation.
  5. Have to see if these storms get any better organized as they push East. Stuff just south of Frederick looks decent
  6. seems they are deferring the choice for next season and are simply going as the Washington Football Team this year. Washington FC would've been a lot more catchy but I guess that naming conviction is too "soccer" for American football.
  7. Honestly? A lot of it is people within my age group (18-29) or younger -- plenty of Snapchat stories or Instagram posts with people in large groups drinking/partying/whatnot. Lots of my college friends are planning trips over the summer and are surprised when I turn them down. I'm super pleased with what I see as a whole in this area, but that said I'm still not leaving my house all that much. With the scientific consensus about the effectiveness of masks growing yet the pandemic not slowing down, there clearly have to be a decent chunk of offenders out there. My anecdotal observations line up with the spike in infections in younger people as well.
  8. I agree that in principle everyone should have an option of going to school in-person or staying home. But so should the teachers, the custodians, the lunch staff, the administrators, the bus drivers, and every other person that makes a school function. And if half of them (or more) opt not to show up to work... then what? This whole thing sucks. But IMO, the next month before classes start is likely better spent trying to come up with policy solutions for families that need schools/childcare. Or everyone could just start to truly wear masks and we could contain this sooner.
  9. The T&L on the backside is really impressive.
  10. not even close IMBY but I realize this gonna be a banner storm for other parts of Arlington/DC. that's what I get for going outside and hyping up my neighbors
  11. Little bit of rotation in the clouds. Neighbors seeing it too. Going to the basement for this one.
  12. there has gotta be a sick shelfie waiting to be taken if your view was good enough
  13. Pretty close to my place down in Charlottesville... hope the house is fine! Storms definitely have some juice in them today.
  14. Maybe a hook? Lines up with a little bit of broad rotation. jk that lasted only one frame
  15. fringed. enough to ruin my evening at the pool
  16. Suddenly big thunder and sunny skies at the same time in Arlington.
  17. Absolutely miserable day to be coaching swim lessons from the side of the pool. Yuck.
  18. not gonna lie, I got attached to the streak.
  19. Suddenly got hot in my corner of N Arlington with mostly sunny skies. If we don’t start seeing progress soon, I’ll go cover the temperature gauge in tin foil, or something.
  20. Still cloudy and breezy in Arlington. Getting slightly nervous about the streak.
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