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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. Maybe if they all had Twitter accounts back in 2008 they would’ve been, haha. Steelers also have already faced this issue with the Titans earlier this year and had their bye pushed to week 4, which is better than week 2, I’ll admit.
  2. As a Steelers fan, think it has more to do with how you practice during the week expecting a Thursday game, now they have to practice more/are off schedule. It also definitely sucks to be “punished” when others fail to follow restrictions, which it seems like the Ravens did. That said... definitely happy with the season so far! Little to complain about.
  3. EPS has consistently been further East. Will be interesting to see what wins.
  4. Thank you! I’ve said it before, but it’s an unbelievable opportunity to have and I’m quite lucky. Wouldn’t be the weather nerd I am today without the past seven years on this forum.
  5. Took awhile, but I notched another WaPo writing credit, this time snow related! There is a special cameo in this article too!
  6. EPS is substantially different from the OP. Probably doesn't matter much, but...
  7. Looks wet/active. Cold would be good. The fact that it isn't advertising cold in the LR is fine with me since it's usually wrong when it does!
  8. I was thinking return of the 2018 December 9th snowstorm... though that might upset some people.
  9. Wind is exceeding my expectations in Charlottesville. Almost got knocked off my bike, trash cans down, some light metal chairs flying... gotta be 40mph+ gusts.
  10. GFS OP has a 24hr Thanksgiving eve-Thanksgiving storm. Very aware that its all fantasy, but it's fun to finally have a window to watch.
  11. EPS is interesting, though probably not worth sharing at this stage of the game. Enough to keep me privately entertained. edit: though if you wanna see it, it's up above me now haha
  12. Day 10 EURO is almost interesting. As @Ji mentioned in the other thread, might be a window around Thanksgiving. GEFS has some interested members.
  13. As long as I can still enjoy virtual snow, I'll be fine.
  14. Every year it shocks me how early the sunsets are. When do we spring ahead?
  15. I definitely think Halloween can be done safely! I’ve seen some creative distribution methods on Twitter. Hope that kids everywhere are loading up on candy while taking appropriate precautions. [emoji3]
  16. Nobody out and about in Charlottesville, but that's normal(ish). Usually everyone trick-or-treats on the Lawn -- its an absolutely amazing event and the kids get away with candy robbery. Very little neighborhood action, at least this close to the University.
  17. Can't seem to embed a video (sad) but here is some fairly nice footage from a friend from inside the eye: https://i.imgur.com/dw2xgd2.mp4 if ya look closely you can see a bird or two flying in the eye. super cool. Here is a video of the damage on his street: https://i.imgur.com/74jlyw9.mp4
  18. I had a friend get some decent eye pics. I’ll try and send those through in a couple minutes. Worst storm he’s seen in New Orleans in the past three years.
  19. Friend who goes to college at Tulane (New Orleans) just had his power go out. Video he’s sending me shows decent gusts.
  20. GFS deserves some credit here for sniffing this out. Fairly confident it had it first.
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