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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. I don’t think the folks who code the models are profiting from sales to WxBell, Pivotal, etc. 99.999% sure they are government funded. Someone can prove me wrong tho
  2. We’ll get a trackable window from the 8th-20th. And probably a troll early April phantom
  3. I will say getting off almost every social media has helped me not get sucked into a doom cycle. It’s not necessarily good to be in the doom hole. Gotta balance being informed with feeling like the world is ending 24/7
  4. It’s a question of whether you think it’s existential or not. As someone who has looked into other citizenship options, well, idk man. This place is a great spot for me to go and not here politics considering my job is entirely politics at a highly politicized agency. But I get it. No shame. What you did or didn’t do when shit goes down is all that matters if the shit goes down
  5. If you ever come to DC for whatever reason let me buy you a drink! I think I emailed ya a while back for a CWG article. Godspeed
  6. The AccuWeather 45-day forecast says we’re done here
  7. I can’t imagine ever turning down snow as a snow enthusiast. I don’t care if it snows in May
  8. Friend in Charlottesville reporting ~2”
  9. Been a tough ask these last 30 minutes but congrats to those getting more sustained light snow. Will take my patio table dusting.
  10. Looked like decent radar returns - hoping they can push an extra 5mi north.
  11. Flurry action in DC. Exactly what I thought this storm was gonna be the whole time.
  12. IIRC this first window wasn’t even the one he liked the most - but point taken. Onboard with the Bob Chill storm
  13. Maybe a slightly further north and more dynamic precip shield then modeled. dc dusting seems plausible tomorrow and again Thursday before the HECS-that PSU-promised finally happens in late Feb early March
  14. It’s 19 and snowing on Mar. 3. I’ll take the under. 30”+ kuchera for the 5 day period. Seems legit. But glad the @psuhoffmanwindow(s) live
  15. Smacks us pretty good. Weenie run tonight.
  16. I’m open to it - just not gonna put too much value into 8” EPS means if they pop up 4 days from now
  17. Realize this is a place for optimism, but had to share this graphical version of our epic fail. Snow signal just poofs
  18. I gotta say - the NWS 1-in-10 chance for this storm is a trip
  19. long range HRRR T-1" for folks largely Thursday morning as the last of the energy swings through
  20. actually probably just 1 more would do it... in a universe where the 12k nam is also right
  21. 4 more north jogs like 18z to 00z and we get like 3-4"... just taking it slow. I was never out on this storm
  22. Mood flakes up to DC would be a nice little win
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