Yeah, I hesitate to dream but wonder if there is a world we can maximize both the Tuesday afternoon/evening pushes and the Wednesday morning push. I kind of assume one depends on the other a bit… guess what the GFS is really doing is slamming RIC hard with both.
It’s not a sun angle thing, though it’s not not a sun angle thing. It’s 90% a temp worry in the most urban part of DC thing. If it’s 2 degrees warmer than expected during the day I’m screwed.
Yeah - and this looks like a much more realistic thermal gradient with the mixing to the south… no offense meant. I’d rather it be all snow everywhere so we don’t have to sweat ptype but this “looks” like how our storms go.
I wish they’d get their maps straight, because their same site has the best possibility of >6” along and north of 66. But whatever. I’m sure some are computer generated and these are labeled as experimental… just moderately annoyed at the inconsistency
Yep - it pushed the start time back about 4 hours and pushed the heavy snow overnight. For two runs that end pretty much identical, you can see how much slower the accumulating snow is. Overnight is helpful, though
yep - deleted my post. It's a little nuanced since the southern "edge" really didn't move all that south, but the heaviest band did and the northern fringe is gone. Sorta semantics but the heavy band is what's important to us.