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About NorthArlington101

  • Birthday March 23

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Union Station // N. Arlington

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  1. Pretty respectable lightning. Bright at least
  2. The April phantom is an easy call. A May phantom would be a more fun call… that was a couple years ago. Might’ve almost got to NAM range
  3. The day after I canceled my WxBell subscription
  4. It might be for AL, we'll see if the storms can get some separation from each other - though the storm that should go well NE of Birmingham looks real nasty.
  5. Don’t like seeing Bassfield in the center of the warnings
  6. Storm E of New Hebron, MS, also might go soon.
  7. Nothing like calling bust before noon local - never change!
  8. WaPo says we’re up to 10 - which isn’t terrible from a PDS Warning : Fatality ratio. We’ll see how the numbers settle out.
  9. Campbell Station, AR about to get smacked… deep debris ball.
  10. Lot of less than ideal radar coverage, too. Not saying anything anyone doesn’t know, but would be huge to fill some of these gaps in one day…
  11. Pretty much impossible to keep up with - across such a vast area too. Wonder if we get more than a couple hours off over the next 30 hours or so
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