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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. Heavy rain and winds pushing through here. [emoji2357] .
  2. You cannot have a civil discussion with these people. Everything is emotionally driven, the world is going to end and there is no hope unless we (according to them) go back to the Stone Age and stop using oil and stop emitting Co2. The next step on the agenda is to declare war on mankind itself and start killing off people or limiting birth rates to save the planet. .
  3. When you resort to insults you have lost the argument. I stated my position on the previous page.
  4. Now we have a tipping point? What nonsense, no one can honestly say what the earths temperature SHOULD BE. There is over a 100 degree difference between Siberia and Death Valley but now people are claiming what the ideal temp SHOULD BE? Wow.
  5. I would rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned. As I watched this video I was taking notes, in fact I watched it twice. My takeaway is that TRUTH can stand on its own unlike what has been going on in the scientific community and the media. There is a political agenda being pushed by the tyranny of the few against the majority. The people in the UNIPCC are not scientists but fund scientists to ensure a specific outcome, and that is something I have believed for many years. A lot of people on here believe science is performed in a vacuum chamber free of bias and outside influence. I always am told science doesn’t lie and that facts are facts and YES science doesn’t lie BUT PEOPLE DO and that is the problem. Funding influences scientists because it comes with strings attached versus a donation. Many scientists are afraid to speak up or risk losing funding, there are very few independents out there. Scientists are being censored by peers and department heads pressuring everyone to tow the line. Because of this situation, the IPICC has bad data and suppresses data that does not line up with the narrative. I have been accused of being ignorant and uneducated by people in this forum because I disagree with their opinions. Apparently only those who have a degree in field of climatology, vulcanology or meteorology can weigh in on such matters. That is an appeal to authority which is a fallacy. Any reasonable person can understand that there is no way that the 0.02% of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the driving engine behind “climate change”. Co2 is not this death gas its being made out to be, its good for crops and fish and makes life on earth possible but it’s not making hurricanes stronger or more frequent and not making thunderstorms more severe. Willie Soon brings up valid points showing there has been wild temperature swings in our recent past and yet man is still around. From the Little Ice Age where the Thames River was frozen and people ice skating in Holland to warmer periods in our past where Greenland was actually green to farmers being able to grow wine in England. He attributes all of this to sunspot activity or solar activity which makes far more sense because it is the main driver of weather. I agree with his statement that no two summers or winters are identical as well as the claim that our current warming preceded the proliferation of the automobile which in my opinion is a death blow who those claim this warming is “man made”. The only way we have influenced weather is in regard to the urban heat island effect. Concrete and asphalt retain heat and definitely affect climate. I was taken aback but not surprised that climate activists average the data between urban and rural stations which skew temperatures higher. I always knew that “renewable” energy does not come anywhere close to the return on investment compared to traditional energy sources but I couldn’t believe the amount of money (2 trillion on solar and wind) only accounts for 3% of our power. Wind farms and solar farms are an environmental disaster as disposal of these toxic materials have yet to be realized, plus all the trees and wildlife killed seems to be OK because its “green energy” just seems a bit hypocritical to me. I have always heard that oil isn’t really a fossil fuel at all. It makes logical sense since oil is miles below the earth’s surface unlike the trees, peat and dead animals that live on the surface. So my takeaway is this – scientific consensus is a lie, people lie, people have an agenda, shutting down our economy is beyond foolish and reckless to solve something that isn’t a problem at all. All this talk about climate change is really just another way to control mankind, just like Covid19. The elite control the government and influence those who run it. Many folks cannot or will not understand how the government, media and corporations all are working together to shape how we think and what we say. It’s a “conspiracy”, “it’s too big to keep a secret” but for those who are unplugged from the Matrix we can see it clearly but I will concede that “ignorance is bliss” and sometimes I wish I could be a sheep like everyone else. Oh, and I’m a NYC city worker who survived the propaganda machine and remain “unvaccinated” and yet I still live and so do all my family and friends. God Bless and Be Well.
  6. I think it its too conservative.
  7. LOL - God Forbid someone dissents against the narrative. I live for this.
  8. For those who have an open mind… (because real “science” is supposed to be open to all possibilities) .
  9. I disagree. The people with the biggest mouths and the deepest pockets, decide what we should “think”. Now the push is for batteries and lithium. These mining operations are destroying the landscape in other countries but that’s ok because it’s not for oil. Forrest’s being cut down to make room for solar panels and windmills which kill thousands of birds and displace wildlife But that’s ok because it’s for “renewable” energy. .
  10. So the science is settled then. And while I don’t appreciate your tone it is indicative of those in your community who broadly paint people with my viewpoint in a negative light as being naïve or just plain stupid. While majority consensus doesn’t make something true I do take comfort in knowing that there are many scientists who disagree with your premise. You believe that money doesn’t influence outcomes, that is naïve, in the 60’s cigarette companies paid doctors to say it’s ok for pregnant women to smoke. I really don’t know why I bother engaging in these conversations as they never produce any fruit. You believe In your religion and I will believe in mine. And one more thing, I won’t be bullied by the likes of you or anyone anywhere. And you want me to believe that 0.04% of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the engine that’s driving “global warming” is absurd. .
  11. It’s true until it changes. So that’s not truth, that’s just groupthink. Sorry. So many instances from the past demonstrating what was taught as truth is now revealed as “well, we got it wrong”. Science is a way of looking at things but it’s not infallible and I have seen too many times where $ affects the outcome. .
  12. Sorry, I don’t subscribe to this world view. I certainly don’t see the “mass extinction” that is taking place right now. I think humans will be just fine, not really worried about it. I just want a few good snowstorms and I realize that we are stuck in a pattern but it will eventually change and balance out. .
  13. It was sarcasm. what’s great is that you guys admit it was warmer in the past WITHOUT mankind’s existence. Therefore……. .
  14. Yes, the warmest EVER since time began! In the millions of years previously it’s never been this warm. [emoji2957] .
  15. Always 2 weeks away. Same as last winter. .
  16. Storm total of 1.5” here between yesterday morning and last night. NWS discussion kept saying how the precipitation shield would fill back in after the secondary low formed and moved N/E but it certainly didn’t look that way. Sitting at 30 degrees right now. .
  17. Nothing to talk about here, light rain for most of the day and with more intense bursts we get sleet. Maybe by 8pm things will change. Future radar is clueless as it has big breaks in precipitation and then boom everything magically fills in. What a sadistic hobby we have. .
  18. Heavy snow gone and……..back to rain. I’m sure with the dry slot and lighter precip my accumulation will be gone in a couple of hours. [emoji35][emoji19][emoji107] And that’s why in my earlier post I was surprised to see snow. False hope. .
  19. Pouring snow here. Roads and grass covered. Of course now that’s is snowing the dry slot is coming to screw it all up. .
  20. I figured the forecast would bust, especially when I looked outside and saw heavy rain at 36° and my elevation is only 740’. NWS discussion also didn’t sound too optimistic either. .
  21. Flipped to snow here. Big fat flakes, ground whitening. Very surprised at this. I figure I wouldn’t have see snow until about 4 pm .
  22. North and West or North of 287 was the phraseology used during the 80’s and a good part of the 90’s. Obviously it was to the delight of snow lovers who lived in those areas and the death blow to those closer to the coast. Now I’m up above 84 and even at times that isn’t north enough for some snows. .
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