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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. A hose timer is a beautiful thing. Ante up.
  2. SMH By what, a minute? It cant be humid at night?
  3. For those of us who take pride in our lawns we wouldnt mind some rain twice a week to keep it looking green and cut down on the water bill.
  4. We know how that worked out for the Knicks and expecting the same results this year. LGR
  5. Rain mixed with hail. Came and went in less than 5 minutes. .
  6. Big Thunder and Lightning up here but not much rain to go with it. At least where I am. .
  7. Easily the worst commute of the winter for me. Cars off the road. The roads were not plowed at all. It was snowing HARD and the DOT was caught off guard. 2 hour delay for the kids. .
  8. Snowing at my house. Cars and grass covered. .
  9. Look at all that climate change even in the 1800's! - I hit the bees nest
  10. Do we have a start time on this storm for NYC? .
  11. I’m tired of these record rains we have been having. I just replaced my sump pump and installed a silent check valve in my basement, so I guess this will be the chance to test it. Hopefully it works out. Unfortunately I have to work Friday night into Saturday at the wastewater treatment plant and rain especially the amount being forecast means a rough night for all of us, hopefully the heavy stuff comes after 7 am. .
  12. I think you need to revisit the definition in regards to his post. .
  13. I never watched him before this year but I thought he was level headed and explained things rather well. After hearing everyone always criticizing him I paid close attention to his comments and never found him making bold or outlandish predictions. He had high hopes after the first week of January for the pattern change like most of us but he never pulled a JB promising cold and snow when there was no evidence for it.
  14. Here is where all our snow is: .
  15. Why would you put more stock in weather reporting stations in a sea of asphalt and concrete like an airport than the idiots who run the Central Park station? .
  16. Been snowing crazy hard for the past hour over here. Picked up another inch easily. .
  17. Snowed pretty good for about 45 min here. Nice fresh coating of snow, haven’t experienced that in a few years. I remember as a child visiting my grandparents in Saugerties in 80s and they would always have a consistent snowpack and you can see the different layers from the different storms. Miss that. .
  18. I watched several videos yesterday by the METS voicing there frustration on how they had no idea what to forecast regarding snowfall totals and how the models were all over the place.
  19. Wow I got at least double that. Went from a WSW for 13” to a WWA for 2-7” and like I said, I’m over 10 now. .
  20. I blocked Snowman19. Anyone see him or is he hiding in disgrace? .
  21. Originally forecasted for 7-13” under a winter storm warning and woke up to. WWA for 2-7” but already have 8”. [emoji2357] .
  22. Schools have snow days built into their schedule. This ticking south trend better stop. I was forecast to get 13” but that may be cut in half now and then some. .
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