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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. Ant, you keep changing up that avatar, huh? I'm seeing alot of projections for TPV to stretch and possibly split in 2 which would bring back the cold after next week. Hope that happens to shut up all the negative Nancies on this board.
  2. Climate change = bs. I’m sure the mods will delete this. Can’t challenge the narrative. .
  3. Why are you so hung up on making history? Its not even good history we are making - who wants to set a new record in regards to being dry and lack of snow?
  4. It's data manipulation and skews the overall HISTORICAL average.
  5. Nice squall just came through my neck of the woods. Started as graupel and as the temps dropped turned to snow. Currently 28 at the homestead. Untreated roads whitened. Spruced up my snow pack. .
  6. I do miss the days of when we got snowfall on top of snowfall and you can actually see the layers when you cut open the snowpack. I am anjoying the winter weather and everything looks great in my neck of the woods with the snow on the ground. Rather that than bare brown nothingness.
  7. Been hearing the models are hinting at return to cold in early February.
  8. Seems to be alot of uncertainty for February. We have been mostly cold in December and January has been even colder. I think Mother Nature is throwing a few curve balls this year and we will remain colder than predicted this winter.
  9. -6 Yesterday and -9 this morning. I should have jumped in the hot tub last night just for the heck of it. .
  10. Don’t worry. The snow measuring team from Central Park has been deployed down south to accurately measure the snow for New Orleans and the Florida panhandle. Expect the all time records to be reinstated this time tomorrow. No records have been broken. / Sarcasm .
  11. Before I went to bed I posted that I was at 7 degrees with a forecast low of 6. I knew that wouldn’t be the case, it was -6 as I left the house this morning and drove to Northern Manhattan where it’s a balmy 14 degrees. .
  12. I’m already at 7 degrees and my forecast low is for 6. I’m sure I will be at zero when I get up in the morning. .
  13. Just drove from Dutchess to Somers in Westchester. Crazy ride. .
  14. I bought a snow plow for my quad for my 50th birthday. I figured the way things were going the past few weeks I would never be using it but looking forward to 6” + snowfall. My pellet stove has been cranking the entire month. I was supposed to hang with friends on Sunday down in Westchester County and said I would make the drive. At the time the METS weren’t calling for much snow but now I am reconsidering. Though I do love driving in snow. .
  15. Then I got a glorified coating and its still coming down.
  16. Since Mother Nature is not cooperating I am getting desperate and was looking to make my own snow. https://www.snowathome.com/ .
  17. Another week of kicking the can down the road in relation to snow storms. It's a repeat of last year with the "pattern change" but this time we have the cold but nothing else going on. How frustrating.
  18. Truly pathetic. We are like crack heads willing to do anything for a fix. .
  19. I hate these off-topic discussions but I use a pellet stove to heat my home as well. What I hate is that pellets used to be cheap and now the energy companies saw how many people were moving towards this alternative and made sure to screw the consumer on this fuel as welll. It’s. Still way cheaper than oil (which I don’t have, I use propane to heat the home). .
  20. Definitely disagree. I want YUGE snows. I enjoy using my snowblower and driving my quad in deep snows. Plus I got a plow this year and want to try it out. .
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