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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. Last night TWC predicted 1 to 3 inches of snow. I knew better than to expect that. Got maybe a quarter inch.
  2. They couldn’t get winter forecast right, why bother to trust them for summer?
  3. If I remember correctly the 2010 day after Christmas blizzard was written off until the day before it hit. It’s not over till it’s over.
  4. We have a week for this to come together. You don’t want to see us in the bullseye this early. The fact that they are all showing something is encouraging. A well placed strong storm will dynamically cool the atmosphere and make snow. Start Worrying Thursday if things look crappy.
  5. Didn’t the blizzard of 96 originate down in the south as well? Good to see all the models picking up on something. Been a while since we had a Nor Easter
  6. I live up in Dutchess County, they highway department salted all the roads yesterday before the rain with temps in the upper 30’s. This morning our temps were around 30° with black ice everywhere. No salt spreaders out. With high dew points and no wind the roads never dried out. Driving the Taconic to work this morning was scary at times.
  7. What time do you think this storm will start? My neighbor invited me over for his super bowl party and I don’t want to get stuck crossing the street. Will I have time for a bread and milk run? /sarcasm
  8. In thIs crappy winter this weenie map is our desperate attempt to satisfy our inner child. How low we have sunk.
  9. I dropped off my Mother in law almost 2 hours ago and they had 1” before the lull. So it’s not out of the question .
  10. I’m in Dutchess County. Probably around 10” for the season but most of it sleet on top of snow. It had good staying power but it’s gone. I at least had a white Christmas.
  11. What happens when entities as NOAA and NASA screw with the data to bolster their agenda? Many scientists have looked at the raw data and caught them lying. It’s not an open and shut case. Science doesn’t lie but scientists do. Merry Christmas.
  12. Your not gonna win against those who believe the hoax is real. Science doesn’t lie but scientists do and people can’t understand that they will cherry pick and bend the results to fit the agenda. Provide government money to show climate change is a hoax and watch how fast people change there tune.
  13. Sorry - I live in Dutchess now. We got a little icing but mostly sleet.
  14. Bust for me. I am under a WWA for 3-6” of snow and ended up with 1/4” of snow. Just sleet here now.
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