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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. 16° here, I wish there was more discussion in this thread regarding tomorrow. After going through Wednesdays ice capades I don’t want to get stuck or worse crash
  2. Henry Hudson was a skating rink. Cars smashed everywhere, i cant believe i made it through without an issue. Thank God I get to work an hour early to avoid most disasters. My trip down from Dutchess was uneventful, some spotty rain here and there and i dont even think the roads were salted. I saw more salt on the roads as i approached Westchester.
  3. I totally remember that as a kid, my hopes were crushed. I kept looking outside the window at school in hopes to see a flake of snow but it never happened. I watched the news that evening with South Jersey buried. The 80's were tough for us snow lovers in the city, it seemed every storm turned to rain or it was cold and dry. My grandparents lived upstate in Saugerties and they were buried while it was raining in the city.
  4. Light to moderate dry snow falling here in Dutchess County. Everything covered. Looks like this first wave is almost over. Waiting for the second. Maybe will get 1” by morning. Nice but a sad state of affairs. .
  5. For those of you who long for the Weather Channel of old I present you this!!! https://battaglia.ddns.net/twc/
  6. The experts always seem to be wrong. Always painting the most dire outcomes that never verify. .
  7. Except the tools we had before were better than the tools we had now. This is a nothing event and won’t even accumulate except on cars and grass. .
  8. This month has been unbelievable in regards to thunderstorm activity here in Beekman in Dutchess County. We had about 4" of rain last night with non stop LOUD thunder and incredible lightning. Rivers and Streams beyond swollen, in all honesty I have had probably close to 8" of rain this month, just absolute deluge.
  9. OK guys I need you to weigh in on this matter. My wife is a teacher and was doing a lesson on the weather when she proceeded to tell me that when the weather man says there is a 40% chance of rain it means that 40% of the AREA may receive rain. Upon further investigation that is not the case either. According to the National Weather Service, Probability of Precipitation or (PoP) is “PoP = C x A where “C” = the confidence that precipitation will occur somewhere in the forecast area, and where “A” = the percent of the area that will receive measurable precipitation, if it occurs at all.” Most of the time, the forecaster is expressing a combination of degree of confidence and areal coverage. If the forecaster is only 50% sure that precipitation will occur in 80% of the area, the PoP (chance of rain) is 40%. (PoP = .5 x .8 which equals .4 or 40%.) As an avid fan of the weather I never understood this to be the case. I was always under the impression that if there is 30% chance of showers that we have a 30% chance of seeing rain (which in my head means its not going to rain at all). Apparently other people think that if its says 30% its going to rain 30% of the day, which I do not know of anyone who ever came to that conclusion. In any case I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter and how you interpreted that. Never in my life have I heard a MET even refer to precipitation in this matter.
  10. Hail in Dutchess County. We might have had a tornado not far from me according to damage reports. Hail reported in Yonkers as well as in Tarrytown where my wife works.
  11. Dusting of snow up here...everything covered to my surprise.
  12. 27 degrees here and still holding on to my snowpack.
  13. Heavy snow showers in my hood.
  14. I'm not going to get into a pissing match. I'm just telling you what I have going on in my neighborhood so I just found it hard to believe bare ground is visible but anything is possible. Your response was a bit over the top but to each his own. Have a great day.
  15. This guy is in the next town over from me. I have over a foot of snow on the ground and massive piles all over from plowing and snow blowing. I’m having a hard time believing bare ground is showing.
  16. Roads were fine all the way to work. They were actually a bit worse this morning as I neared 84 and heavy snow began falling. Got a couple of inches to snow blow now.
  17. Probably managed and inch and half here. Gotta go to work tonight so I am not too disapointed at this point. I was dreading driving an hour into the city through 8" of snow, roads should be pretty decent for my commute tonight.
  18. Moderate snow finally in lower Dutchess but looks like it’s going to end soon.
  19. Just.a glorified dusting from this morning and then a snow shower or 2 up here. All the action south of me getting shunted East.
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