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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. My beef is why didn’t the future radar pick up on the dry slot in advance?. Just goes to show you how bad forecasting is even if it’s only hours in advance. I’d rather it dryslot than get rain. That’s a big dry slot.
  2. I still have snow from Monday. Future radar went from snow till around 7 to a big hole in 1 hour. What the hell is going on? .
  3. No one want to post maps even if its rain?
  4. Major bust on low temps here. Was forecast to get to 19 but only went down to 28. Unbelievable. .
  5. Finished the day with 3”, that brings my total for this season to 8”. [emoji19] .
  6. Just drove from Manhattan back home to Dutchess. No real accumulation until Putnam and then instant winter wonderland. Heading out to snowblow the driveway. .
  7. Maybe its best to skip to March at this point.
  8. 35 with snow accumulating on colder surfaces. .
  9. Magic 8 Ball - will February 2023 be the snowiest on record for the NY Metro area? There you have it folks. You’re welcome. .
  10. Your supposition sounds like that of modern day journalists putting words in my mouth that were never uttered. I never made that claim at all, I merely stated that many on this forum never experienced years of horrible winters. Recorded history is a spec compared all of history and to make assumptions on that limited span of time can be viewed by some to be narrow as well. .
  11. I lived through it, that’s why I find the remarks on this board hilarious regarding our current situation. .
  12. Because the climate always changes…. .
  13. 80’s were cold, snowless or snow to rain. My Grandparents in Saugerties NY got tons of snow where NYC had rain. I loved to visit as a kid it was a different world. .
  14. Sky just opened up and dumped ice pellets. Incredible. Ground white in 1 min. .
  15. Yes - but why isn't the heat island effect taken into account? We have more buildings, concrete, blacktop, vehicles and solar panels than ever before - all which absorb and release heat and way less grass, trees and open unpaved areas. So while it is indeed warmer its also deceptive. If I take my house and spray foam the entire structure and then use the same amount of BTU's to heat it as before my average indoor temperature will have increased. I have read many articles over the years about improper placement of thermometers which violate the "good practices" set forth by NWS. So with all that in mind as well as the 30 year average being used its really a no brainer as to why its warmer.
  16. How is 30 Year an average? Its dishonest as its not a true representation of the entire data set. That's like my kid telling me he got a 90 average but failed to include his spanish grade where he got a 40. I realize that the post actually does say 30 years but on TV or Radio that disclaimer is not included.
  17. Nothing is simple. We live in an extraordinarily complex eco system. Trees convert our CO2 into oxygen, volcanoes output more CO2 than decades of what our cars emit. The past was warmer than the present and cars weren’t around. It’s not simple at all. .
  18. No pool. [emoji17] Would like an in-ground but I would have to cut lots of trees down. .
  19. That’s why I love MetsFan. You always hold out hope and I have seen plenty of times over the years when you ended up being right when everyone else gave up. .
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