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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. 6-12 for my area BUT I doubt we see 6" as every event this winter has busted low.
  2. Under a Winter Storm Warning for 6-12”. As with this entire winter jackpots have all been west of the Hudson River. I would say 6” for me the way things have been going this winter. Anything extra is a bonus. I do have elevation going for me as I am at 760’. .
  3. That is why I don’t bother to check this sub forum very often. We have the biggest chance of seeing snow and this place is dead quiet. .
  4. I laughed my ass off when I saw what you named the image. Hope.PNG LOL .
  5. They pretty much struggle with every storm that doesn't cut to the west of us.
  6. SuperStorm 93 Narration sucks and most of it is live reporting so I just fast forwarded through most of it.
  7. I just watched a video on YouTube about that yesterday. Had Sam Champion and Al Roker clips - The Good Ol' Days
  8. 36 and rain. My buddy in Fallsburg said it’s been snowing since 5pm or so. He has a few inches already. .
  9. Heavy sleet now. Which I guess is good to coat the warm roads. .
  10. Snowing here just melting on contact except for what remains of my snowpack. .
  11. Been snowing for the past 25 minutes or so. Just sticking to the snow already on the ground otherwise melting on contact. .
  12. I’m north of 84 by about 10 miles. We Definitely need a forum more dedicated to us folks up here. I lived in Yonkers for almost 20 years and the NY Metro forum was fine for me because of the proximity but things are vastly different up here. .
  13. I’m 70 miles North and I’m forecasted for 3-6”. .
  14. What's the story with Friday/Saturday threat? The Metro forum isnt discussing which leads me to believe its a non event.
  15. Cuomo Bridge? You mean TapanZee. While the cams you look at may show next to nothing once the coastal spins up coverage and intensity should fill in.
  16. Yes, I received about 1" overnight, everything was coated and looked beautiful. I wasnt expecting anything so this was a nice surprise when i woke up.
  17. Had freezing rain and ice pellets last night. Everything coated this morning with a temp of 28°. Roads were a bit slippery until I hit the main road which was salted. .
  18. I have been keeping a written record of tomorrows and Saturdays arctic cold since last Wednesday. Just amazing how forecast temps change day to day. At one point my forecast low for Friday night was -12 with a high of only 6 and that was like 2 days ago. Now I’m forecasted a low of -7 with a high temp of 19. I really was rooting for 6 degrees as a high. Can’t win this winter. .
  19. Snowing here. 1-2” expected. Guaranteed school delay. .
  20. Effing Rain after .50” of snow. This Suuuccckkkksss. .
  21. I don’t anyone here thinks that future radar is anything other than a computer simulation. I just can’t believe how bad it is. It’s not like it’s forecasting days away it’s literally simulating what will most likely happen maybe 5 hours in advance and it can’t even do that. .
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