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Everything posted by wishcast_hater

  1. I think we are all traumatized from the past several years. Maybe my memory is incorrect but we did have snow about a week and a half before Christmas last year (at least up here) and then it warmed up. The long range always showed cold that never arrived and before you knew it - March was here.
  2. La Niña and El Niño both suck apparently. .
  3. Terrible weather in my neck of the woods. Chilly until noon and then warmed up but stuck in clouds and fog all day and even more now. .
  4. Hey let’s keep this forum clean, you don’t have to tell us the details of your wedding night. [emoji2957] .
  5. 2 Weeks ago the long range showed no cold and even a warm Thanksgiving. Long range is a crap shoot at best. .
  6. I remember that day very well, I was standing on the steps of my school in the early morning waiting in anticipation for the big snow. I kept looking out the window all day and kept hearing that the snow will come but its taking a bit longer than expected due to the dry air. In the end just more disappointment, for the snowless 80's. Though i do remember storms starting out as snow and going to rain very frequently but my grandparents up in Ulster County always got buried.
  7. In the 80's nobody was plowing anything, at least in NYC. But we did have cold.
  8. So you don’t want this to come to fruition? I certainly do. .
  9. Leaf peeping up in parts of Dutchess is terrible. We had such a bad plague of caterpillars in May/June that it ate the majority of the foliage on Oaks, Maple and Birch trees. The majority of the trees in my neighborhood are just turning brown and dropping, not much color here. I am hoping for a very harsh winter which would kill the larvae because this is the second year we have faced this but 23 is WAY worse than 22.
  10. So basically the same as the past several years. Can't really do worse than last year,
  11. Can’t believe it’s raining again and this thing is moving back west. I didn’t get the prolific rainfall you guys got in the city yesterday but I did see it firsthand as I left Manhattan at 11:30 yesterday morning to go home. Took me 3 hours, multiple highways and detours. For the first time In my life I was actually scared that my car would get carried away in floodwaters. .
  12. How is the weather looking for Tuesday evening? I'm going to the Guns N' Roses concert and don't want a rain out.
  13. Incredible Lighting and Thunder up here. Absolute deluge. Lost power. Thank God for my automatic generator. The amount of rain we have received this season up here will be measured in feet not inches.
  14. Thank God I don’t live in yours where “we must trust the science” from the same folks who say men can be women and the “science is settled”. There are tens of thousands of scientists who don’t believe in “climate change” but are silenced because they don’t support the narrative- that’s a big red flag for me. My concern is that in the name of the new religion our freedoms are being taken away. That’s what keeps me up at night not “climate change”. .
  15. We got hit with a microburst yesterday that knocked out power to about 2500 residence yesterday for over 10 hours. She is a politician so she is obviously an expert. I guess there were never Thunderstorms, Blizzards, Heat Waves before the 20th century, I'm so glad she cleared things up for me.
  16. 2” of rain and no power. On top of the 7” last Sunday .
  17. I received 7” of rain. Just incredible. That’s on top of last weekends incredible rains. .
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