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Lake Frederick Mike

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About Lake Frederick Mike

  • Birthday 02/06/1966

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location:
    Lake Frederick, VA 22630
  • Interests
    Former location:
    Linden, VA Blue Ridge Mountains 1,572’ of Elevation. ZIP: 22642

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  1. 26 degrees and flurrin Lake Frederick, VA…..
  2. Good news! Temp has dropped 21 degrees in the last 3 hours! Um…from 71 to 50.
  3. 14/12, 6.5 inches, snowing hard but starting to hear pingers.
  4. 30/30 with FZDZ, dogs not liking it.....
  5. I recall this perfectly, at my parents for dinner in Clinton, Md and had a tree fall on my ‘84 Blazer, incredible front.
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