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Everything posted by BoulderWX

  1. Weird flex but I don’t take it personally. They’re is a reason they have their degrees and were casual observers (most of us). But posting colorful maps gets more interest despite being wildly misleading. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, just not facts *shrug*
  2. This is hilarious and never will happen with marginal temps and all that but even half of this at 5:1 would be amazing for most. I think NWS is playing it smart with the WSW for morris county of 4-8: https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=NJZ008&warncounty=NJC027&firewxzone=NJZ008&local_place1=Morristown NJ&product1=Winter+Storm+Watch&lat=40.7979&lon=-74.4782
  3. Completely agree. People posting 10:1 verbatim when many locales will be half of that. And compacting. Just not realistic. I’d cut 10:1 in half if you’re within 50 miles of the coast. 8:1 seems reasonable well north and west IMO
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