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Everything posted by radarman

  1. I hear ya... the drawbacks of running a radar network 24/7/365... thank goodness for smartphones
  2. well obv one's activities shall be tailored accordingly
  3. A day we'll all remember, perfecto. Beach @ Weekapaug, Narragansett for fish sandwiches, Treehouse, Stone Cow for bbq and beers, and Quabbin for sunset. 10/10
  4. Line ramped up as it came through here, but not anything overly notable in terms of wind. Good thunder and rains.
  5. Yeah, especially this year. Severe thunderstorms 10 out of the last 12 weekends by my count, and 5 straight.
  6. Wound up pretty nicely. Classic hail look, similar to 8/1/11 which produced half dollars nearby. Nexrad showed 65 dBZ. This from the radar locally.
  7. Slabs wiped totally clean Big, big CAPE day
  8. brief but very heavy downpour with the passage of the line. No thunder.
  9. 3km had quite a few popcorn cells dropping south along the coast tomorrow. Cold air aloft, > 1k j/kg MLCape in spots. Should make for some cool looking clouds at any rate, with small hail and a low end wind threat not totally out of the question based on the weenie soundings.
  10. This is from the DFW NBC 5 radar after the tornado moved over Greenville. Impressive stuff
  11. A little unstable today in DFW? It's been crazy active down there...
  12. Right from the opening bell Memorial day weekend I'd have called this stretch just about as good as it gets for early summer. Not sure what folks are looking for...
  13. Fresh jjjjjjulius and doubleganger though, 3 can limit
  14. Such beautiful birds. These were the ones I mentioned last week.
  15. Yeah, there was about 3.5" at the bottom of Superstar, 8-12" at the top of the chair, and a hike up to the summit had me knee deep in spots. Unforgettable day for sure.
  16. We have seen a few bluebirds this year. Lots of cardinals, phoebes, wrens, robins, goldfinches, red bellied and pileated woodpeckers, and our ruby throated hummingbird friend that always appears shortly before the late blooming red azalea pops. The tanagers were a first that I can recall.
  17. 2 scarlet tanagers in the yard. Brilliantly colored!
  18. Something about Devil's Fiddle in the spring... The outcroppings have long since melted off, but the big swoop turns on the untouched soft snow were simply divine. Boot pack laps on the top yesterday with a path down requiring only short forays into the woods.
  19. Killington is skiing really good today, and I expect tomorrow should be excellent as well. A lot of snow left, woods are in peak Spring form.
  20. Local hill, Berkshire East. Softened around noon, skied beautifully thereafter.
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