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Everything posted by radarman

  1. FWIW, these are the only months on record over 30" in the Amherst Coop dataset
  2. I'm at 540', but Belchertown rises sharply headed toward Pelham which is over 1k'. Climatologically speaking we behave a little more like the valley I'd say... Amherst also has some latitude on me, and as we know this area is often close to the pinger battlezone where a little bit helps (like on Tuesday for example). I'd say the extra 300' buys us maybe 5 inches more annual snow, and the longitude occasionally helps in coastals too.
  3. just pulled the Amherst Coop data... For those Decembers you mention they report 18.8, 17.6, 24.2, and 26.6 respectively. Granted the Amherst Coop hasn't done quite as well as MBY this year, so that 1970 number might edge it out at present, or is close. (edit- always the possibility of missing data, but no indication thereof)
  4. Almost certainly the snowiest Dec evah down this way. Better than 07 and 08 for sure and nothing since has compared. IIRC we got like 19" in the back to back storms in 08.
  5. I frickin love the place, but they are horrible at the internet. Just glad they installed a webcam, which actually updates from time to time. 2.5" in Btown, wedged in between the apparent jack one town south and the dusting on the valley floor at UMass.
  6. As an aside Mt Lincoln often has a nice little skin track up this was from 1/7/18
  7. Cool orographic effect of the Pelham hills noted in the hydrometeors. The apparently blank spots in the image are the hills, ground clutter filtered at 2 degrees tilt. Mt Lincoln is the highest point at 1240'. (May have to click to animate)
  8. Same at Berkshire east. Winter cord and PP. Nothing scratchy. Many natural trails officially open and well covered. Quality skiing.
  9. Not much compaction either. Still 20-22" OTG and fluffy in the shadier spots
  10. 12/03 might be more widespread, though certainly not as good out here. Others further east can weigh in better than I no doubt.
  11. Jan 2011 was more here. Feb 2013 was on par. Then you'd have to go back to Feb 01. Wow, what company.
  12. Sweet man that is awesome. Buried here too.
  13. The Beast can be as open as they want to be. Heck of a way to start the season. Meaty powder, and now here comes the light stuff.
  14. fwiw, that one isn't mine/ not us But folks get the picture... Basically straight to 98% open. Heavy stuff skied in today, light stuff this afternoon and tonight and they're set up. Tomorrow should be great.
  15. Not sure whats up with that hole in S Quabbin. I posted a pic showing over 7. That looks more like a low end, post sleet compacted measurement.
  16. Seems like we're flipping to mixed precip now. A little over 7".
  17. I say yes. Berkshire East is opening for the powder day, fwiw.
  18. Yep. 6.25" across town at slightly lower elevation. Nice and fluffy right now.
  19. Several years ago I posted an AFD on that beast that I found on a UVM wx chat/archive from those days. I actually looked for the UVM site a few days ago but couldn't find. Do you know if it still exists?
  20. Not sure folks realize just how crushed NNE mts got in March 01. 3-4'.
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