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Everything posted by radarman

  1. EF1 2/25/17 in Goshen and Conway, MA. Also damage further east.
  2. Hardwick too. That was the same day as the notable outbreak in RI and parts of SEMA. Nice writeup by Ryan on that one. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/exceptional-tornado-outbreak-in-new-england/163724/
  3. 2008 also had the crazy long tornado in NH 2012 had the only tornado on BID and the landphoon 2014 had that notable tornado that hit the Boston area (Revere esp) 2015 was pretty meh I think, may have been a tornado near Hubby and last year was all about Cape Cod
  4. If you mean baseball scoring and monster tornadoes, that was 2011. 2010 had the June 6th mod risk day, that mostly busted, though not entirely.
  5. At least here, 15/16 was a lot worse. And last year was no (snowy) picnic either. We're .75" shy of that, granted that 60% it fell in 24hrs. But most don't consider big storms a penalty on the overall 'feel' and coverage days have been better than most winters ironically.
  6. Only like 2-3 new at Magic but after some human groomin to bust up a crusty layer with soft snow underneath, the sun started poking out and it got really good. Some of the steepest lines on the hill are open and skiing great, the top of Magician, Black Line, Goniff. Powder turns on the edges sheltered from the -dz, packed powder elsewhere. 20k vert for $29 throwback thursday, can't beat that.
  7. Congrats there. Nice little hit for Charlemont too. Hopefully more en route, things will be looking up on the natural trails.
  8. After the zamboni storm comes through we'll be tracking some nice cool dry wx with hopes of some pond hockey. Winter is the best.
  9. Seems crazy so much time has passed. And such a shame that all that content is gone... The wayback machine does allow a few glimpses of it, lil trips down memory lane. This was one of my faves. https://web.archive.org/web/20050315125152/http://www.easternuswx.com/bb/index.php?showtopic=16606
  10. Has been a pretty good AMS, one of the better ones IMO. Trillium on the waterfront nearly ran out of beer on Sunday and Monday. Bartender said it had been insane and asked what all the lanyards were for.
  11. I figured that would be the case but couldn't swing it today. Awesome
  12. I would think Saturday could be pleasant, esp SNE/CNE.
  13. more than a half inch so far, moderate snow now. Upstream radar looks like it will continue for a little while.
  14. Depends on what you want, obv. Lattitude in West Springfield is good. Punjabi Tadka downtown if you like Indian. Typical Sicilian is decent (read, not great) Italian. Personally I'd drive a bit further north and go to Coco in Easthampton.
  15. These things are frickin huge and its hard to schedule your day with so much going on at once in so many fields and in so many rooms. All the same I'm hoping it should be a pretty good one. But program aside, the exhibitor hall is always worth walking around and talking to industry folks. Great way to make connections.
  16. Anyone going to the 100th anny AMS conference in Boston week after next?
  17. Spent the day in PWM and can vouch for the siggy impact, esp downtown. Pure mashed potatoes, with very large piles all around. Excellent storm for them. Now back home and just had a period of moderate snow come through, nice way to finish out a historic month.
  18. Segment lifting north of Enfield into Agawam, East Longmeadow, Wilbraham looks strong atm.
  19. The hail core was quite well defined as it crossed the river. Held together and tracked straight overhead here in Btown and then to Quabbin.
  20. Slammed with half inch hail... Nuts!
  21. The high res nammy sends a cold front through the Berks around 5pm tomorrow. By then it's probably pinging more than accreting, but the wind shift could bring down a few.
  22. Thanks, it is a nice writeup. As an eyewitness I disagree with their comments about the east slope and the berks. It was catastrophic there, for sure the equal to pics from N ORH county, albeit with the worst accretion slightly higher up in elevation. (Esp over ~1200') Single most impactful weather event I've ever observed for sure in parts of Ashfield/Goshen/etc.. Crushed. Even at Umass there was a significant electrical disturbance and dirty power. The MA1 radar held up valiantly for a while and we observed strong echoes out on the east slope, pouring, but the UPS batteries only last an hour or two.
  23. Berkshire East was exceptionally pleasant, April-esque, sweet cord softening as we go, sunny and beautiful. Lovely day to be outside in the snow.
  24. 24", which was really 7.5, 15.5, and an inch total in between and the day after.
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