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Everything posted by radarman

  1. Foliage in Agawam also on fire https://www.wwlp.com/news/local-news/hampden-county/watch-live-fire-near-landfill-off-route-5-in-west-springfield/
  2. Another pretty sweet Niehues sketch released today
  3. On really cold days when they normally tell you to go inside every few runs to avoid frostbite... will the mountain just close? I mean some hardcore types will gut it out, but I don't envy the customer service folks telling parents no refunds and the kids can freeze or go home.
  4. This would be a really great time for 2010/2011 to walk through that door. O how we pray
  5. I heard they'll let you in but then key your car
  6. Seems KMart will require reservations to park
  7. I would have figured prone trees had already come down, what with the ts and our daily supercell this summer.
  8. Based on this page I think so. https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/traveling-vermont However... "Quarantining Before Coming IS an Option If you plan to travel to Vermont in a personal vehicle (including a rental vehicle or private plane), you may complete either a 14-day quarantine or a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative PCR test in your home state and enter Vermont without further quarantine restrictions. Continue to quarantine until you travel to Vermont"
  9. Speaking of VT, looks like most of us massholes are banned again. Hampshire county has very few cases except those at UMass, which was enough to put us in the red by their standards. Berkshire and Franklin county peeps can still go freely, for now... I had a season pass to Magic sitting in the shopping cart when I decided I'd better check on it. Think I'll wait.
  10. Southwest recently announced that they're flying to Montrose CO now, which opens up a lot of options, esp Telluride. I have a zillion SWA miles but so many of those places were unreachable from DEN. Plus bags and skis fly free. Granted, El Nino would be preferred in the C Rockies...
  11. Yep, it's my coffee table ornament. On occasion, just sit back on the couch and open to a random page. Kickstarter FTW.
  12. Was pretty clear by the late upgrade to slight risk that the SPC was playing wait and see, given the modest instability (esp. from their perspectives). And the line was absolutely racing forward by that point, with the WFO already busy and about to hoist SVRs with a high wind warning already in place. Granted, in E MA a late watch may have helped I think... At some point though the cat is out of the bag.
  13. 52kts ACK 2341Z KACK 072348Z 29027G52KT 2SM R24/5500VP6000FT -RA FEW027 BKN055 OVC080 A2962 RMK AO2 PK WND 27052/2341 LTG DSNT S-W RAB12UPB23E26 PRESRR P0012
  14. FIT and MQE too. Only ORE and BED missed, and not by much. Even on the south shore it's continuing, PYM just posted 52kts.
  15. Can't think of too many lines that produced severe gusts from ALB to BOS
  16. KBOS 072200Z 28036G57KT 3SM TSRA FEW018 SCT040CB BKN130 BKN250 18/11 A2948 RMK AO2 PK WND 27057/2200 LTG DSNT SW-N TSE2159B00 PRESRR OCNL LGTICCCCG SW TS SW MOV E P0000 T01830106
  17. 2127Z KORH 072127Z 29037G61KT 250V320 10SM VCTS SQ FEW042 SCT070 BKN085 16/10 A2953 RMK AO2 PK WND 30061/2127 LTG DSNT SW-N PRESRR T01610100
  18. 64kt BAF damn 2113Z KBAF 072115Z 29036G64KT 2 1/2SM R20/3500VP6000FT -TSRA SQ SCT042 SCT090 14/08 A2957 RMK AO2 PK WND 32064/2113 WSHFT 2058 LTG DSNT NE AND W RAB13 TSB11 PRESRR TS N MOV E P0007 T01440083
  19. Niehues map of MRG came out today
  20. Well that's the plan sure, but you don't have to go back very far to see how fast public sentiment can turn and decisions be taken out of their hands.
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