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Everything posted by radarman

  1. sorry you have to go through this, but glad she made it out of the hospital. I have no experience here, but it might be worth asking the social worker at the hospital if they can help you acquire medical grade PPE.
  2. West Bridgewater isn't much better if coming in from the other way. There isn't a skiing Masshole alive who can't attest.
  3. I have to say that compliance is damn close to 100% everywhere around here. I can't recall the last time I've been inside in a public place and seen somebody not wearing a mask.
  4. 3 years ago at the San Diego airport on the day before Thanksgiving (busiest travel day of the year?) rather than take shoes off and go through the body scanner, they just made everybody walk past 3 dogs. Dogs were happy, you were good. And straight on through we went. Was a breeze.
  5. Nice. SW is the best, and well poised to make a run if and when this is all behind us. I can anecdotally vouch for the pent up travel demand possibilities. Enjoy wherever.
  6. Per airlines, airplanes are extremely safe. Why would they require a vaccine?
  7. Will they put the rims back up on the backboards after the vaccine?
  8. UMass covid tests come back in about 24 hours. I'm 10 for 10. Definitely my best test results ever there.
  9. You think there's a lot of food on the edge now, just wait a couple weeks
  10. All this soap and hand sanitizer... we need lanolin dispensers or something heading into winter...
  11. Baker came right out and called the mask mandate "messaging" in a presser about a day after he issued it.
  12. We just lost a 4th rounder for BB using radarscope during the 2 minute warning
  13. KCEF 160256Z 24017G36KT 5SM RA BR FEW006 BKN013 14/12 A2957 RMK AO2A PK WND 23056/44 SLP020 WND DATA ESTMD P0017 60045 T01380118 (Seems a tad high but still)
  14. Decent rain here in the stuff out ahead but winds aloft were definitely not at all materializing on the valley floor. Even the main line looks kind of meh on the X band. But it's moving forward at a good clip so figure we'll get a decent gust or two... By that thinking 30s to 40?
  15. Nice job by the nammy this morning with the long skinny line
  16. 2 Weeks Notice in W Springfield is worth a trip sometime
  17. The Masters website is awesome. Can see every golfers full round shot by shot.
  18. Ascutney has been running a non-profit ski area the last few years also, open to the public, with a rope tow and a tbar as of last year I think. Also does some trail maintenance above it for the skin crowd. Love that they do that, they'll probably get a lot of traffic this year if they have snow. Some good terrain too, particularly skiers left in the woods out to the cabin. Gets cliffy over there if you go too far though.
  19. It's not totally clear to me what happened. It seems like from the FB page they may have reopened as a member owned coop, but retained Milltown to manage the mountain ops. It does sound like they intend to reopen this year. Good for them. Much as I love Nelsap, I'd rather not see it updated with anything other than memories and recent trail pics.
  20. FWIW Berkshire East purchased the Hermitage out of bankruptcy this year and they are going to reopen as a non-profit. But the deed requires them to remain private, which presumably was a condition of the original sale from Mt Snow. At any rate, the country club demand can't be too high considering that's basically the only one and they were broke. That said, put a country club on Mansfield and you might have something. Release the hounds on the riff raff.
  21. We can only imagine what would happen to cars with out of state plates
  22. After months of wavering, I just bought a weekday pass to the Beast/Catamount/Bosquet after reading this post. My intention had been to buy one for Magic this year, but too much uncertainty. At any rate, Milltown Capital (aka the Schaefer fam) has really put in tremendous work these last few years. And I've skied with em and stayed at the Warfield. They're a real asset to Western MA. Happy to support.... usually in the form of day tix, but considering what we're up against the pass makes sense this year. Plus the idea of cabanas and outdoor bbq's is appealing. They have the Alvah Stone managing the food service, which was a stroke of genius IMO.
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