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Everything posted by radarman

  1. Always enjoyed Craig and Larry. Miss the creature though.
  2. I heard coastal SEMA, location tbd, 18-24 mos downtime. How bout BOGO and a site at BDL or CEF?? Not saying I don't love the ALB soundings....
  3. Just heard that the CHH raob site has experienced significant, rapid erosion, and will be decommissioned at the end of the month.
  4. Yep. One of the greatest. A New Englander too. I once saw him and tipped my cap in Naples ME. RIP
  5. Quintessential spring bluebird out there today. Absolutely fantastic.
  6. Hate it when you're cruising on a shady trail side and suddenly at high speed you traverse a low angle sunny spot... Topheavy feeling ftl. That's when the hour you put in with the iron, the scraper, and warm weather wax becomes well worth it.
  7. Just ski Devils Fiddle from noon to four and zero complaints.
  8. Agree although will have to monitor cloud cover trends. Cheer for sun.
  9. I don't think folks should read too much into Saddleback numbers in year one back, with Covid quarantine rules in place. Let's see in 2 or 3 years if visits haven't grown.
  10. We had a CAA event I think 1/31/13 that rocked us hard. But last night was pretty impressive.
  11. Yikes that's scary. We were out of power for about an hour and I was pretty surprised when it came back on the way it was howling.
  12. Yeah... Just drove from PSF over the Berks to Northampton. Was like 42 and clear, moonlit and snowy in the higher terrain. Down at river level 31 and heavy fog, sliding around the rotaries.
  13. It's a lot nicer now than in the 80s but I have a lot of good memories. My aunt bought a triple decker and made a killing... Super smart move. I enjoy going back.
  14. Nice. I grew up on Minot St. Still have fam in the neighborhood.
  15. Glad our pack held out. It's very bright out there tonight, and the snow amplifies it. Few things better.
  16. IMO there's not a whole lot of culture in a lot of the Berks. Maybe like Stockbridge/Great Barrington to an extent... Shelburne Falls I guess if you wanna count that... Perhaps Williamstown. But most everywhere in between is a cultural desert. Which isn't a knock exactly, the rural aspect has its charms. But you don't get many tourists around here compared with VT, the Whites, Lakes regions of NH and ME, etc.
  17. AQW hit 38 but low dews and OVC meant no softening after yesterday's cornfest. Reports from the east slope were mixed... more sun, exposed low angle trails softened, the rest stayed firm. I will say however that yeah, I've experienced plenty of those days over the years in NNE, spring days you're cheering hard for sun but it just ain't happening. Or most days at Cannon.
  18. Best wx family since EricNH and snowNH
  19. Totally agree, midweek this year has been way, way busier than any previous year.
  20. Great pics fozz. Must be something in the water up there.
  21. Yes it is. It's a little cousin to Magic with substantially less annual snow. But great terrain on the rare times it's fully game on, steep, all sorts of boulders and cliffs, and well spaced trees. And today's softened pack put it all in play, not worried about what may be lurking and fully in control for technical maneuvres in the chutes. Once things freeze up it'll be on hold for a bit, but we've still got a great spring day or two left even if nothing else should fall.
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