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Everything posted by radarman

  1. did you notice any antipathy toward non mask wearers in Asia?
  2. I presume it's because the staff are unionized and the union will likely fight mandates of this nature.
  3. Maybe an event where the dryline progresses a certain amount on Tuesday and then sloshes back west overnight before pushing through on Weds? Or the more common discrete (and conditional) early to linear overnight. Either way looks potent.
  4. The email said "on the basis of expected additional state, federal and legal guidance " I think that means current legal precedent wouldn't allow for it, as you mention.
  5. By the way I never advocated against the vaccine but I need some evidence it's worth the risk. If one hasn't had covid I think it is worth it. But if you've had covid I see nothing scientific to support getting it yet.
  6. My personal dietary habits that you have no clue about aside, should one not also be worried about these things in food?
  7. On the way to Keene, West LA (Lower Ashuelot) Brewery isn't much to look at but the beer is good.
  8. For what it's worth I've been in the DFW area all week and even without mask requirements for quite a while now, the vast majority of folks are wearing them inside retail stores, entering/exiting restaurants and coffee shops, inside hotel lobbies and businesses, universities, etc. Only when you get far afield of the populated areas do you see masks disappearing. So even if the requirement goes away the masks will probably remain.
  9. I think you could make the case that a hesitance to ingest unknown substances is biologically defensible.
  10. Admittedly I'm a little sensitive to that kind of criticism because I know how hard it is to make an intuitive user interface with all sorts of options and limited number of controls, especially for the general public where you can't expect them to read a complex manual, and also given that many/most(?) visits are from mobile devices these days. The fact is that assuming Tip actually did try to use the site, if he couldn't figure out how to change the map view the developer does have to take a hit for that. Happens to me all the time, much as I think things should be clear they sometimes aren't. There really is an art to it and you need to bring in people with many backgrounds to see if your vision doesn't have built in assumptions. Anyway I stand by the opinion that Levi does a great job... Just the fact so many are aware of his site is testament, and he has come up with a lot of innovative products and features. And of course knows his tropical meteorology as well as anybody. /rant
  11. I've seen the same though I think most analysis has been informal surveys and anecdotal stories with no causal links identified. Chance some of it could be placebo effect too, but if it makes you feel better it makes you feel better.
  12. Levi is one of the best mets/technologists out there, period.
  13. I think you might have to look at the site options a little bit more. I'd like to see you code something before you call anyone a moron too.
  14. It makes very little sense that folks would have an idea how long immunity lasts after the jab vs natural immunity. I had covid pretty bad and don't want to get it again but until science wants to show me that the vaccine is better than natural immunity I have zero interest in feeling lousy for even a half hour by my own doing. I'm perfectly willing to read the studies once they come out but the "why not?" reason holds no water.
  15. Is there any evidence that the jab is better than natural immunity?
  16. At any rate, if you've just had it I'd wait at least a couple months. Personally I'm waiting 6-9 mos and then will reconsider if new strains are circulating. Admittedly my story is anecdotal, but at least representative enough that some clinics are refusing to vaccinate within a certain period of contracting it.
  17. Somebody I know who contracted covid a few weeks ago in the same little outbreak that got me went to get vaccinated having heard a rumor that the vaccine was helping folks with lingering symptoms. Upon getting there they refused to jab her saying it would make her very ill. She complained and said her doctor said it was ok, etc., but no dice. So the next day she went to a different clinic and they gave her the shot. She went to work and collapsed and was taken to the hospital.
  18. I presume you've been to the Moan and Dove... One of the OG craft beer bars around, but no kitchen. Not sure if they'll ever reopen, which is sad. Like movie theaters though they were fighting macro trends even before the forced closure.
  19. I don't have inside info, but my impression is that Berkshire East did too. A lot of it might have had to do with VT travel restrictions, but also I think WFH policies made it way easier to play hooky during the week.
  20. Can they put the backboards back up on the basketball courts after the snow melts? I promise not to pass or back anyone down in the low post, just launch 3s.
  21. Today would normally be one of those unbearable April days that you can't get warm and spend your afternoon in a shawl looking at Zillow, but with full snow cover it's downright balmy. Edit just glanced at BOX and yikes I guess it helps we don't have that here
  22. Glad to see him go, we needed some moisture to have our big brushfire after all the wind events in the last year. State bans them May 1st. If I had put a match to the pile before Thursday the neighborhood would have gone up.
  23. Much as I love this map, really the orange spot here should extend north all the way to the NH border at least
  24. absolutely hammering snow/graupel
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