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Everything posted by radarman

  1. Well.. Yes and like Tip said... Vet the source. But I do think if they assume that antibody counts are in fact a proxy for immunity and they are seeing lower and variable counts in young people, it would be a natural conclusion to draw. My issue is with their assumption, in light of the study that used a likely better proxy... Actual reinfections with PCR tests. Not perfect in their own right, granted.
  2. Well... The paper actually states the opposite. See bold. Interestingly the abstract starts with: "The persistence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies may be a predictive correlate of protection for both natural infections and vaccinations." It concludes with: "However, the magnitude and durability of the antibody response after natural infection was lower and more variable in younger participants who did not require hospitalization for COVID-19. These findings support vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in all suitable populations including those individuals that have recovered from natural infection." However... From the very large Kings College of London study that used actual tests, we know that reinfection risk for young people is vastly lower than that for older people. Assuming the actual antibody analysis of this paper is correct, the infection data partially calls into question the assumption that the paper starts off with. The binary presence of antibodies may be correlated with immunity but antibody counts do not in fact appear to be a good proxy.
  3. I really can't make any kind of assessment because we've had exactly one frozen precip event in Tarrant County since we set them up. I'm a little bit skeptical of their performance because acoustically speaking, wind driven graupel would behave quite differently than pure dendrites falling softly. But anyway, I'd have to look more into it. Our own sample size aside, the Parsivel disdrometer should be good at that because it images the hydrometeor shapes and calculates their fall speeds, which, when combined with air resistance equations should give an estimate of density. We submitted a proposal to NOAA to install two of those here in the northeast, one in a coastal location, and another at an elevated inland location to look into that exact problem, but the decision is still pending.
  4. FWIW these are the sensors that we're using... Vaisala WXT536. They have an acoustic disdrometer on the top. At DFW airport we also have an OTT Parsivel laser disdrometer that's pretty cool and we think *should* be the most accurate of them all, but of course it's very hard to say for sure.
  5. Can you use it to provide a parallel estimate as the previous gauge you have or are you going to remove the other one? If the former, please post the differences you're seeing sometime.
  6. This. We have access to like 20 sites around DFW with collocated tipping buckets and disdrometers, and also have radar based QPE point measurements over each site. Tipping buckets on average seem to run about 5-10% lower than disdrometers. The radar estimates are pretty close to the tipping buckets or a shade higher, but with more variability... (maybe a function of beamheight or X band attenuation in given events?). But really there's nothing like a stratus gauge... too bad you need the man in the loop.
  7. Are you talking about the website? The radar hasn't changed. And no matter what you think of the new site (we mostly all agree) the "justification" was more of a hard technical requirement with flash going out of support.
  8. First one showed up today just as the red azalea began to bloom. Shows up without fail at exactly this time every year.
  9. Not sure how much is known for sure but a formal study is underway now or soon https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-04-19-human-challenge-trial-launches-study-immune-response-covid-19 There have been reports in papers of overall less severe symptoms in reinfection cases but the data remains pretty sparse... That's probably a good thing...
  10. Also reinfection appears to behave similarly as post vaccine infection, which is to say, less severe. Worth noting that the Danish study suggests elderly reinfection potential is a lot higher with only like 50% reduced risk. But for <65 the reinfection protection is very high, nearly 90%.
  11. Officially confirmed cases of reinfection are absolutely miniscule, but I think it requires viral sequencing to verify, which is obviously impractical. So the much larger sample sized studies using pre and post vaccine/infection PCR tests are relied on, even with some known behavioral biases and false positive potential (esp post covid)
  12. Antibody response is significantly higher with the vaccine but overall immunity appears to better with natural immunity. They haven't totally pinned down the mechanism but there are several hypothesized reasons. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/371/6529/eabf4063 Also there was an easily googleable Danish study that calculated a >80% reduced risk of reinfection, compared to the 60-72% reduced risk of infection from the vaccines that was mentioned in the post earlier from King's College.
  13. I agree but note I didn't post this here and that statement was within the unseen context of other articles that I posted that did examine such
  14. Trader Joe's is cheap for the most part, on almost everything except maybe produce. Definitely cheaper than your average big supermarket and WF? LOL.
  15. You think they'll look at a 15' pile of snow 3 weeks after a firm closing date, in a low snowfall winter with a near record melt off, and maybe go a little easier next year?
  16. Milk drinking is way way down though so stable is up if demand still means anything
  17. Folks should sell their houses high and move to Burptown where it's still nice and cheap. Sure snowfall will be hit and miss, but we're practically Kansas in the warm season
  18. I liken it more to hoping the tornado intercept vehicle goes to the moon... yeah there will be some collateral damage, but play stupid games...
  19. EF0 near Grandview EF0 in Weston EF2/ 120MPH in Ellis Co that crossed I35 And a fifth tornado in Hood Co that they have not released the deets yet edit- Hood Co, EF0
  20. Lots of ground reports of a large TOG near Blum/ Johnson Co
  21. New TOR coming just to their south -edit maybe they reconsidered
  22. TOR on that cell -edit... apparently spotters confirmed TOG, though may have been brief
  23. why pay the entry fee when there are so many underpasses available? At any rate, we're seeing a pretty classic touching off of supercells right now
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