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Everything posted by radarman

  1. I don't think this is an entirely far fetched scenario. I mean in this case does Occum's razor argue for the financially motivated global conspiracy or the aliens that only show up on 1970s era surveillance cameras?
  2. If I'm wrong I may not have to wear egg on my face very long... But if I'm right I can tell em hey I knew you guys were cool
  3. Eh, since it's all hypothetical we can either choose to project our lousy qualities onto them, or choose not to. Maybe they'll just be stoked to hit up Disney.
  4. at least we can all agree that grainy UFO videos are boring af
  5. If they've had covid already, they're signalling that they believe in the preponderance of evidence in peer reviewed medical journals showing their protection is as good or better than the vax... and yeah also the gubmint stuff that was mentioned
  6. NEPM cited table 1 today showing the strongest tornado damage potential index days in New England and the nice thing was we didn't have to update it in the last decade. The Cape Cod tornado day might have been the closest to make the bottom of the list.
  7. This is the Banacos, Ekster, & Dellicarpini paper https://www.ejssm.org/ojs/index.php/ejssm/article/viewArticle/105
  8. Go to the cape in Sept. Cheaper, better weather, warm water. Not that there's anything wrong with NC other than the drive. Now you can take Breeze airways nonstop to ORF.
  9. That's like Dallas in July next week. I'll take the under.
  10. I couldn't really care less what the public thinks about me not wearing a mask but I know for a fact that some establishments are continuing to encourage them because they understand the local customer base... Even though the same business owners would be among the first to take em off and party otherwise. So I then put one on out of respect for them and the tough 15 mos they've had. Science won't keep the lights on by itself.
  11. Downtown Amherst mask wearing is damn near 100% and the even the outdoor farmers market is requiring it. ( ) I definitely think it's a you go first thing.
  12. I think a lot of it is just that folks want to see others not wearing the masks so they aren't that guy. It is only day 1 here.
  13. In Home Depot, I'd estimate about 75% of customers are masked up and 25% of employees
  14. It's kind of hard to tell but right before it gets dark the video seems to show snow and some light accums?
  15. fwiw in MA the eligibility date for 16+ (no preconditions) was 4/19
  16. sorry for your loss. Sounds like she was a very impressive person.
  17. Perfect Storm is solid. Eureka a good beach beer. Treat... not my fave. Agree with the bold. For my money they make the best local stouts. Find myself buying other IPAs these days. Shout out to Shire Brewhaus in Dalton for Wolf Attack IPA. One of my new go-tos. But there are many.
  18. The twitter link doesn't do it justice without the audio
  19. A great testament to the value of being good natured and thick skinned. He took a lot of jabs, most in jest, but never got nasty and kept on keepin on, optimistic and undeterred. Admirable. We learn a lesson. RIP
  20. I don't like Joe D talking about 7/10 splits. Just give us whatever.
  21. What isn't? Try making a good pizza from scratch and get back to me
  22. ok fine. But there is a bit of a difference between 'read more/post less' and 'take the GFS away from that guy'
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