The Octobomb (2011) I think you might well have got 30" up there. Not sure if you pulled it off in December 92 as well? The valley floor sure didn't haha. They hardly got anything.
Feb 13, great storm, was 2' for a lot of the valley. Maybe 25" for some but uniform.
Jan 15 was like 8" of arctic sand... less just west in the valley.
Jan 22 was 6", more baking powder
Aside from Jan 2011 in a few favored spots, I don't know if this area has ever had a 30" storm. Maybe 1888. Seems like a once in a hundred year type of event.
I was at that game in person. Cold and blustery with snow in the air but nothing really accumulating. Drunkest crowd I've ever been around. Bills fans would blush. I don't think anyone in the stadium sat down the entire game. Not kidding.
It's absolutely embarrassing how they treat Mt Ellen. They could have seen the issues both at the end of last year and this year coming a mile away and have made zero effort to compensate by utilizing one of the finest mountains in New England. Shameful really.
Yeah only 540' but higher terrain just north. Northeast of here a very short distance is Quabbin at equal height, but south and west it drops quite a bit.
Jackpot. Congrats. RGEM ftw
This clipper is the type of event where the narrow elevations west of Quabbin should do well. And also where there will likely be a pronounced difference from the valley bottoms to the semi upland areas. Would be great for that advy to verify, 3km looks sweet.
That was a tongue in cheek comment but it does argue for going beyond averaging. I'm still waiting for daily integrated 5 min temp analysis rather than (max+min)/2... guess I'll keep waiting.