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Everything posted by radarman

  1. Yeah, all low level stuff not being captured. Beam heights are 5k'. Snowing decently here also. Berkshire East skied very well, somehow light and dense at the same time. The mountain is wide open now, if we can just avoid r*** on Friday, we'll be in good shape heading into March.
  2. https://control.videolinq.com/public/eLmGC3P9 heck of a band... all the way down to Narragansett Beach
  3. Extends all the way back through the N Berks into SW VT and to the Hudson valley north of ALB. Pretty solid flakeage right now. With the glacial inch or so left over from Weds night, and measurable on top, it looks like full on winter at least.
  4. c-2" with virga in the valley? That implied dry air bleed from the NE is fugly
  5. Lots of power and internet disturbances here. The UPS helps but the wired internet is down locally. Work from home FTL.
  6. That's a weird PNS out here in western MA. Crushed in Amherst, but meh on the east slope, as well as to the south across Hampden county. Maybe a bit similar to 12/1/19 where a relatively narrow band trained west to east over this area in round 2? ...Franklin County... Shelburne 1045 AM 6.0 ...Hampden County... Agawam 1215 PM 8.0 Westfield 1200 PM 7.0 Monson 150 PM 6.5 Springfield 1050 AM 5.5 ...Hampshire County... Amherst 345 PM 16.0 North Hatfield 1215 PM 8.5 Worthington 910 AM 6.5
  7. Once upon a time I'd be liking Btown's chances for a setup like tonight
  8. not just the fans but the team too. Like that time Chara committed assault on the ice and should have been immediately arrested.
  9. Exchange rate is in your favor so that helps And yeah, it's pretty awesome. Having spent a little time there working with McGill years ago (07/08 winter, luckily enough) a few things I'd recommend would be a walk and maybe dinner in the old city (le vieux Montreal), montreal syle bagels (st viateur is a good one), and a trip to Notre Dame basilica.
  10. TCU and a 40 mph gust would be the severe equivalent of our best snowfall of the season, which was 2 mos ago by now.
  11. No argumentative tone... honest question here... what is the basis for this 20 day rule for propagation down to the troposphere? When I go back through past events I don't see it. There may be examples of such, particularly 2003 which was used as a paradigm in a lot of the original literature, but over time it's my opinion that 03 has been proven to be largely a one off, and has not representative of a standard behavioral model. There's plenty of other examples of the propagation downward occurring on shorter, even much shorter timescales too. Or not propagating downward at all. I don't think there is anything inherent in a SSW that determines if it will propagate downward and eventually weaken the PV, just that other signals are dominant and ultimately determine the fate of it. Also my opinion that the +GPH anomaly over the pole that drove down the record airmass may well have been associated with the U wind reversal that occurred in late jan, at 10 or so day lag. Or maybe it's just coincidence. Funny we didn't hear anything from the experts about an impending SSW (that did actually occur) when the wave2 and wave 3 signals spiked in mid Jan, now they're crowing for some unknown reason... hopefully the models are indeed onto something that I don't understand if that's the basis for the excitement.
  12. At any rate these guys aren't calling for a -AO in the next two weeks, they're calling for a new SSW if I read the tweets correctly, and the forcing for such isn't obvious to me. If others have insight on that part of it, I'd welcome it certainly.
  13. Dude the delayed propagation downward is ssw 101. Enough with the condescension please. And the 3 weeks delay isn't accurate. It's shorter than that, and even then only a rule of thumb. One could argue that the strong HP right over the pole that caused the recent PV displacement was the direct result. And it shows up in the zonally averaged Z Anom GPH graph I posted even though it was not a big portion of the total >65N space. We understand and appreciate that you're into this stuff but turns out you're not the only one.
  14. As an aside, those graphs show pretty nicely the wave 2 and wave 3 action preceding this last one
  15. Really we just had one... Maybe it gets some credit for the cold shot, but the overall pattern seems to have shrugged it off... I guess you keep playing the odds and hope it works out? And frankly, I'm not really sure what they're seeing that makes them bullish about another one upcoming. Wave 2 is dead. Wave 3 is meh.
  16. Nice job taking advantage of the oppy. One thing I will say is that we've had two periods of good black ice, the first being in the higher elevations right after Christmas. That is no guarantee in any year. All it takes is one snow or mix event in the early formative stages of the pack and you're screwed. Granted, white ice is skateable and we'd certainly take it, but there is really nothing like smooth black ice. Anyway this was from yesterday. Not terrible.
  17. Tenney Mt set to reopen on the 10th Skied there as a kid
  18. We got out early too. 4" of black ice, albeit not the smoothest ice. I'd call it a B+ session. But yeah, that's a wrap.
  19. Pretty classic wave 2/wave 3 induced SSW -> descent of HP over the pole -> PV displacement event. If you were gonna draw up -10 at BOS you'd probably not put low heights in AK and onshore flow into the pac NW, but at any rate we got it done in spite of it.
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