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Everything posted by USCG RS

  1. Exactly what I have been expecting/concerned about the past few days unfortunately. This core is incredibly resilient.
  2. Look at that outflow both Poleward and Equatorward already. That core is resilient and in tact.
  3. Respectfully, I think SE Texas should prepare for a major hurricane. I pray I'm wrong but.. That core is relatively in tact and it moved over less land than initially thought. Combine that with very warm waters and South Texas really needs to be on alert.
  4. Scanners are saying that this tornado is a MILE AND A HALF wide.
  5. Tornado Emergency has been issued for Barnsdall
  6. Barnsdall looks as if the entire town is about to be engulfed.
  7. Barnsdall is about to take a direct hit from looks to be at least an EF4 tornado with a large to massive diameter.
  8. This is a good quick explanation: https://phys.org/news/2016-08-difference-shallow-deep-earthquakes.html In general the depth between two, from what I have researched, appears that it would not make much difference in the grand scheme.
  9. Yeah... that movie haunted my childhood.
  10. Listen - I saw that movie and was like.. Hmm. Then Baltimore happened. Just saying
  11. My apologies here, I did not mean to ignite a firestorm. I was trying to say it comfortingly.. but.... alas, I missed.
  12. At least it looks like the main event was this morning and that these are aftershocks, rather than foreshocks (admittedly much more rare). That, or the US has taken North Koreas idea and began underground testing
  13. Meteorology and seismology share some common ground, yet they represent distinct scientific disciplines. I suspect producers may assume all scientists are interchangeable, but in reality, understanding seismology requires independent study. While an atmospheric scientist might manage to gather basic knowledge through quick research, a deeper understanding typically necessitates dedicated study.
  14. I went through a 6.6M earthquake in San Luis Obispo in 2003. I still tense up when trucks pass by at times.
  15. Ah shucks, now I miss my childhood and parents
  16. Thank you for all of this valuable information. It is greatly appreciated and something I will no doubt study more in depth to add to my repertoire. @wdrag I hope your grandchild is feeling better. Also, you mentioned something about a conference call?
  17. @SnowGoose69 @brooklynwx99 @wdrag @forkyfork @SBUWX23 or any other met, or someone with knowledge, who would like to chime in. It appears that these types of bands are impossible to predict, even right up to game time. That's also what I've always seen said That withstanding, is there anything that can point to where a band like this may set up - geographically prior to now casting? Or are we just not technologically advanced enough to see and predict where these will set up?
  18. @SBUWX23 Man that weenie band missed long Island by the skin of its teeth.
  19. On my bucket list... It's a blizzard warning for July 4. Will we ever get it.. Who knows. But something I've always wanted to see.
  20. Are your service drops (power lines to the house) always that low? Or is it just the snows weight?
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