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Everything posted by USCG RS

  1. I am more interested in the back end... anything?
  2. It has. It tends to be rather fickle due to the manner in which it was designed.
  3. Here's the thing -and this is strictly my opinion- there is blocking in the Atlantic. H5 also looked significantly different from the surface projections. I would say the NAM is having issues regarding when and where to consolidate the energy. While I would not go as far as to discount it currently, I would say that I would like to see the rest of 00z suite, specifically the RGEM.
  4. It never consolidates the energy from what I can see. It also appears that the kicker 'kicks' or repels vs phasing a bit.
  5. Can I vote never? Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  6. NIce to see you thinking the area is going to receive a nice hit.
  7. Not exactly. It is more that the Ukie and Nam had more interaction with the kicker whereas the Euro seems to only partially interact. Remember, this particular s/w is still over 'No-Mans land' in Canada and is therefore yet to be sampled fully. This particular s/w will have a rather significant impact in regards to sensible weather near the coast, so I would be interested to see how this evolves over the next day or so. Edit- the 'kicker' is still towards the Gulf of Alaska, not quite yet into Canada.
  8. Given the present set up, I would agree with you that this is the correct call. That withstanding, I believe there is the potential for some surprises, especially given the energy around and the possibility of the LP closing off. Should this take place, there is the distinct possibility the tri-state area takes a hard hit IMO.
  9. You mean you actually listen when someone who has studied something talks about what they have studied? How could you.
  10. Perhaps he's just being sarcastic? Maybe. Then again, it is Tony... Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  11. For the record, I can already see Wx Twitter lighting up (and some in this forum ofc)...
  12. Tony, you have almost 40K posts. Not gonna lie, kind of impressed.
  13. RGEM is not quite in its deadly range quite yet
  14. That's kind of funny... I literally retweeted this about 10 hrs ago. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  15. Tbh - assuming this track verifies - it will depend on how quickly the LP closes off. Sure we torch front end, but of we close off, we crash just as quickly and with the energy involved, these bands can add up quickly. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  16. In fact, a closed LP south of LI with such a strong HP to the N may actually deliver a pretty good shot of snow. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  17. Yeah! Anything showing massive snow several days out is always the correct solution, just ask Twitter and Cranky, because he always backs Twitter with that stuff Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  18. Here's the thing, the reason a mandatory evacuation is ordered is to absolve the responder of the liability associated with said responder not responding when they are called. The other side of that is the fact that a person not evacuating is endangering that same responders life and it is also meant to protect the responder in that way as well. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  19. First, let Josh be found first. Last I heard, he is still listed as missing. Secondly, to do so creates several issues, mainly which that this amounts to a tax by a United States entity. The founding fathers looked at tax as the ability to kill an individual, so while there are valid points behind the desire for this, there is also legal precedent which would likely disallow this. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  20. Because on mobile it's hard to see whose who... But a wise suggestion. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  21. If a moderator could contact me regarding an important matter, it would be appreciated. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
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