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Everything posted by USCG RS

  1. I remember Paul Kocin on the NWS explaining what went wrong later that evening.
  2. This is just flat wrong. Texas has different winter weather than NY. So while two inches of snow is nothing for Long Island, it's crippling for other parts of the country. Just look at what a small bit of - Zr did to the DFW area a few days ago regarding a serious MVA. A WSW is warranted for the entirety of the state.
  3. I am having trouble finding the verification scores, however, The ICON is German and the model we use is their 13 km resolution. It is much like our GFS,, good only for macroscale patterns and views. They have a 7 and 2 km, much like our NAM and other more short range, high resolution models. In Germany, the higher resolution ICON is actually preferred to the Euro at times.
  4. This is a classic set up for a significant ice storm down to the coast. Snow pack is still pretty fresh and that's a heck of a cold air source draining down. I would not be surprised for wintry precip, including Zr.
  5. They would be, assuming it was a strong likely hood of a large ice storm.
  6. This reminds me of a January event several years back, where the LP virtually crossed LI and it was -Zn
  7. With how dense the cold is and the snow pack, I wouldn't be surprised is the rn/sn lines shift south, as perhaps where the LP pops does as well.
  8. Not anymore, at least from what I have seen. They are balls to the wall lately. Not sure if they're right or wrong... Just an observation.
  9. Yeah - Just did some research to double check myself. Turned out I was wrong. I remember when they got rid of the watches, they were contemplating losing the warings as well. Guess they overruled.
  10. Yes. I was expecting the Pacific to pump the heights, flood the warmth and allow for several inches of rain into the Metro Area. Instead, we may end of with several inches of LEquiv snow.
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