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Everything posted by umdterps29

  1. Heading out to McHenry tonight. Fingers crossed for a solid event out there.
  2. Is this the type of storm that will have upslope for the Garrett County area? If so, is the upslope intensity usually modeled pretty accurately, or is it typically more/less intense than what is shown on these models?
  3. What time frame is this through? Can you add through end of day Sunday if not already included? I'm curious as I'll be out at the mountain house. Thanks!
  4. Those NWS totals for Deep Creek are disappointingly low. I can’t believe there is now a chance of some mixing even out there. I thought i would be in for a pretty good storm regardless out there and now that’s looking very questionable. Bummer
  5. I'm thinking that if the CMC run were to come to fruition, Deep Creek or somewhere else out that direction is the real place to be since temps shouldn't be an issue and perhaps what is showing on the snow map is more realistic to occur than in locations closer to the cities where temps are borderline. Might miss out on some of the dynamic action that happens closer to the R/S line, but it would be more of a sure thing.
  6. Question on these maps… is there a real mixing risk out at Deep Creek or is that just some weird output with these types of maps?
  7. Thanks! I’m torn between heading out to Deep Creek for the weekend or hanging home and seeing what happens here. Feels like Deep Creek is the more sensible bet if i don’t want to risk disappointment
  8. I've never been to Timberline but have a place at Wisp right at the peak of the mountain. Based on their live cameras, a lot of dirt is already showing and I expect it will get worse over the next week.
  9. Going up to Deep Creek for PD next weekend and at this point it's looking like Wisp is just going to be a big hill of dirt. What a horrible year for the ski resorts. Not even cold enough to make snow.
  10. I'm confused why you keep bringing up President's Day Weekend when it looks like there are no real potential storms during that time period. Am I missing something?
  11. Most of the recent GFS runs show precip barely even reaching deep creek. Could be the place to be solely due to the likelihood of there being more cold, but doesn't seem that farfetched that they could get shut out as well.
  12. Can someone post the Kuchera just for giggles? Would love to see what it looks like for Deep Creek. They need it bad.
  13. Light flurries and warm everywhere in Canton. No accumulation whatsoever. This is getting really old
  14. Nothing but pixie dust in Canton so far. Jealous of the people talking about fatties
  15. Very light flurry in Baltimore. Hoping to just get something accumulating no matter how minor later on
  16. We will no doubt have snow falling for a while I’m not trolling. Just replying to the comment that once returns are overhead snow starts quickly. Has not been the case here and in Baltimore city we will have more temp issues than surrounding areas
  17. Idk about that. Better returns have been over Baltimore for a little now and there’s still no flurries or anything to show for it. Also temp in the city is already steadily moving toward freezing and will like be above freezing in the next hour
  18. The sky just got extra bright but the snow is still coming down hard in Canton. Pushing 4"
  19. Where in the city are you? I'm in Canton not too far from the waterfront and have 3.5" or so and it's stacking up quicker now.
  20. Just flipped back to snow/sleet mix in Canton
  21. What's with the 1 second videos that you post 1000 times during every storm? If you're going to post a video that massive on the forum at least make it like 5 seconds so we can see what's happening
  22. Barely any precip in Canton now. We have gotten shafted so many times this winter it’s sad. Should have just spent the whole weekend at deep creek
  23. Not sure there’s been a single flake in Canton. Should have seen that one coming
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