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White Gorilla

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Everything posted by White Gorilla

  1. Bummed this thing is more amped, less snow, more ice. What I thought was going to be 3-5 now looks like 1 with a lot more sleet and ZR... Hopefully not too much ZR. Sigh...
  2. General public needs to take potential significant glaze accretion more seriously. Media outlets need to get updated fast.
  3. Praying for more sleet than ZR up here in Poughkeepsie, Duchess County. Hoping nobody across the board gets too much ZR. Dangerous stuff.
  4. Would rather see a miss now. Have time to work out pattern evolution.
  5. Wouldn't that depend on the strength of the NAO, AO negativity couplet? Most definitely a pac jet on steroids is going to at least dampen big snow potential. Also have to see how quickly or slowly the MJO traverses through the colder and warmer phases.
  6. Anything worth discussing around Christmas week or the weekend before?
  7. Thanks for the analysis. What factors would strengthen overrunning? Stronger HP to our northeast or different positioning of the HP? Greater magnitude of blocking?
  8. Any possibility of models picking up greater enhancement as we get closer?
  9. The flip to sleet is almost always sooner than expected. Happens every single freaking time in these setups in my experience.
  10. Mid level warmth is usually under forecasted in these setups. Almost every single time, I start hearing pingers after initial snow much sooner than progged. It is almost a given.
  11. After 95-96, every winter after that was a let down until 00-01. Six long years of waiting for a snowy winter. We had some big snows especially where I was in Central MA in November 96, April 97, Dec 97, but that was about it. Far and few between. 00-01 had the white gorilla roaring again.
  12. Hoping we can switch from soakers to paste jobs in the coming few weeks
  13. Cautious expectations as always but we shall see.
  14. Who knows, a few days from now, it may show us needing to worry about heat stroke.
  15. So much time for models to make sense 10 days from now and a lot of details to sort out. If we can establish fresh arctic air first, half the battle is won. Just need the precip. Even if we don't get a KU, a clipper snow event with 2-4 inches in arctic air would be wonderful for the Christmas mood.
  16. We will be singing "ice ice baby" away from the coast.
  17. If only long range could be more accurate...
  18. I would conjecture that once the system on Saturday clears and its eventual influence on the pattern becomes clearer, the models will have better consensus.
  19. Forecasts days out are so fickle and constantly changing, so yeah, best we not take anything seriously at that range, cold or warm.
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