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White Gorilla

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Everything posted by White Gorilla

  1. Question - how do shorter wavelengths going into March interact with forecasting teleconnections?
  2. I will be curious to see if the MJO projections to phase 8 in March by some models continue.
  3. I headed to New Paltz today and they have a nice few inches of white everywhere
  4. When we start celebrating slush, you know it is a bad winter
  5. Wow... White stuff falling outside... Forgot its name... It has been so long...
  6. Wow, never heard of a sudden ionospheric warming. Strat warming yes, but not that one. When and where was the last such ionospheric warming? What are the usual impacts?
  7. Yes it is the stark similarities and commonalities in all his posts. I suspect Snow88 is a cold weather and snow fan for similar reasons.. Common threads in his posts.
  8. Are you a mild and snowless winter fan? Your posts often seem to indicate so. There are many who are in the general public, I would say the majority, but not many on weather forums.
  9. If I had an idea I wouldn't have asked. :). I was purely curious.
  10. How would those interact with a super positive AO, NAO and negative PNA?
  11. As if the Euro has been so stellar this season
  12. It is what it is. Can't control it. I will need to spray bug repellent around my house earlier and more frequently this year it looks like.
  13. Timely find indeed. I would like to know as well the factors contributing to the expansion of the Pacific warm pool in that specific area.
  14. I don't think anyone here said or implied suddenly VA in NY or never a negative NAO. I am sure there will be winters in the future that are cold and snowy. We do have a clue that greenhouse gases are an important part of the climate equation.
  15. Don, to what extent did the Australian fires contribute to the WPAC SST anomalous warmth that feeds into higher MJO 4-6 phase amplitude and frequency? Do you feel that the WPAC warmth will be a more permanent feature in winters moving forward, thus increasing MJO phase 4-6 impact on our weather?
  16. Thank you Don for bringing up the greenhouse gas variable into the equation. It is no doubt an increasingly bigger player.
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