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White Gorilla

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Everything posted by White Gorilla

  1. Yeah, good snow preserver too. Any few inches of snow we get will be protected for a while especially with the current pattern holding
  2. Everyone up here ready for another sleet fest Sunday night?
  3. A lot of mental gymnastics here to the point we pretzel ourselves.
  4. Look, I know model chasing is stressful, but come on now...
  5. Hopefully a lot of snow to go along with the cold. Cold air without snow is a terrible thing to waste.
  6. Preliminary based on current model output, I say 4-8 inches up here with a lot of sleet on top then dry slot. Subject to change.
  7. Snow accums projections given current guidance for Mid Hudson Valley?
  8. It would be quite something if we are looking at a potential triple phaser. Keeping expectations reasonable for now and the possibility of a swing and a miss. Big storm signal is nice to see for sure.
  9. Plenty of time to iron this out, but I am glad the big storm signal is much more confident today than yesterday. Hopefully it holds. The details of track etc will sort itself out as we get closer.
  10. I think Walt cautioned about wave spacing, so let's keep expectations low for the next week. After mid week next week, hopefully our odds go up significantly to score, but there are never any guarantees in the weather no matter what the pattern might look like. All we can do is wait and track and hope. Do not invest emotionally either way in singular runs. Gotta watch trends and consensus only.
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