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Everything posted by B-Paq

  1. Still rocking the 9 degree dews here in Easton...
  2. 32 with a crunchy dewpoint of 9 here in Easton
  3. How did our little corridor do? Just north of the Jackpot I'd guess?
  4. Easton reporting in, let's bring this thing home brother!
  5. Hi csnavy, do you pay attention to/put any stock in @crankweatherguy on Twitter? His play-by-play of the evolution is fascinating, but I gotta wonder about the weenie factor with that guy. Thanks as always for the great info on the main boards!
  6. How are the beach folks making out? Looks like some decent rates right along the coast.
  7. Bands never happened for me. I think this puppy is outta here. Kinda salty, but still got very nearly a foot.
  8. After sitting under the dry slot from hell all day, if I don't get a deform band or two before this thing shuts off I will by effing apoplectic.
  9. Just flipped to sleet. Gonna try to stay up until it changes back.
  10. Up to 6+ inches here and big fat flakes. Radar says sleet is about 1000 yards to my west though.
  11. Waiting on a good band or two, but up to 3 inches and temp still dropping - 22.5 now.
  12. Didn't like seeing that dry slot on the RGEM parked over central/southern Delmarva. Hopefully we're not about to discover new and innovative ways to get boned out of snow
  13. I'm in. BTW just got around to reading your sig and that is freaking hilarious.
  14. There does seem to a palpable SE movement to most of the major models though. Perhaps there is hope!
  15. Got maybe 3/4" (I didn't measure), but it was definitely enough to mangle the side roads badly. Super slippery this morning.
  16. That insane bubble over Prince Frederick is almost certainly some sort of feedback error, but you're still in a prime spot. The news has done nothing but get better all day for this sub-forum!
  17. It won't take much of one. The most recent WPC forecast seems to have the low barely offshore and in a fairly decent spot for most except for the oceanfront folks.
  18. I have a feeling here in Easton it's gonna whisker close between snow-rain-snow and sleet-rain-sleet. I'm hoping this thing turns out more like what the Euro ensembles are showing than the op.
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