Just measured 3.2" here, pleasantly surprised since I had lowered my expectations to a couple of inches. Beautiful out there! Back edge getting close, still moderate snow here.
Light snow here for about the last half hour, once in a while it picks up a good bit, at the moment it's lighter. Down here at the kettle fire there's a dusting on some surfaces. The breeze did pick up a bit right before it started snowing - it felt like it was on the doorstep. Good stuff!
They're back! I think the far away pile (which I posted a pic of in its previous state last night) was just about gone from the rain overnight. But they are back, slimmed down, compact, and high density! And I'm beat, lol. Good day altogether!
Wound up with 3.2" here. Season total in double digits now at 12.8", or 14.22x last winters total (of 0.9") - yeah baby! Thoroughly enjoyed it!
Best part was around 7 am here, probably the heaviest snow I've seen in a few years. Some heavy shoveling too, but better this way than from snow turning to rain.
Actually starting to get a little windy here at times. Raining and 42.9F at the moment. Not sure what to expect here (SW Delco), but I'd be happy with 2 or 3 inches.
I took this pic of the last bit of the shady snowpile earlier this evening before it started raining. Would be cool to get it some reinforcements, lol.
Yeah, looking at the forecast it's going to be a pretty boring week. Models aren't exactly encouraging in the near term either. But the weenie in me sees this calm period as a lead up to some interesting weather.