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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. At this point I don't care about piles, the whole reason we put the lights up after Christmas was for this, lol. You know, if you build it, they will come.
  2. This one's for you, lol. About .30" here, car topper and grass whitener. 32F currently.
  3. Light, steady snow here, medium sized flakes. Temp. 33F, dp 25. Snow 2 days in a row!!!
  4. Lol, that's gonna be some of us next time it snows, whenever that turns out to be.
  5. Started as light rain here, 37F. Maybe next time!
  6. Lol you could rent it out a week at a time to snow starved amwx peeps. If you do move there, could you heat the house with your wood stove?
  7. Snowing here as well, nothing showing on the ground yet, but Yay!!! 36F. Eta - coming down pretty hard at the moment, beautiful fatties!
  8. I'd say the chances of him liking snow are non-zero, but pretty slim, lol.
  9. Cloudy here, no flake sightings, but it's still 31°F. It even dropped back to 30 for a bit. Very unusual. It would be nice to get some of this overperforming cold air with a storm a little closer!
  10. They have the right idea, keeps those lights up till it snows, lol. Topped off our tree tonight, different string of lights, but it's ready.
  11. Thanks Mike, lol. We decided to put lights on a tree outside (which we hadn't had time to do before the holidays) in order to encourage the snow. Still gotta add some more, but they will look great when it does snow!
  12. The Sunday night possibility seems to have legs, definitely a thread the needle situation. It's got the wiggum rule working for it as of today, lol.
  13. I saw a honey bee earlier, and thought of you, lol.
  14. Yeah we often keep them on one tree outside until sometime in March, lol, whenever it looks like we are done with snow, for that reason. It does look nice (with snow). Problem is, this year we never got around to putting them up. We had some on that tree but a buck must've got his antlers tangled in them, cuz we found a string in the field about 40 feet away.
  15. @Ralph Wiggum and @Birds~69 hope you guys feel better soon! And Happy New Year to you and everyone in this subforum!
  16. Just going by memory, no data, it seems that when the wiggum rule works it's usually accumulating snow, more than just flakes. We shall see!
  17. Lol, the good news is it wasn't a pile, no human intervention involved!
  18. Merry Christmas everyone! I found a couple of these micro snow patches this morning ⛄!
  19. 10F here, still windy! Looked at Watertown NY webcam, they're expecting 2 to 4 ft. of snow overnight and tomorrow with blizzard warnings.
  20. Well you gave it a shot! Invigorating isn't it, lol? At least for the first few minutes...
  21. Well, we have been running low on kettle fire wood lately, but not anymore! Don't think we'll have the traditional Friday night kettle fire tonight though. Pretty brutal out with the wind.
  22. Thanks! Lol, yeah there was a pile of slush earlier from the rain washing the sleet down the driveway, but even that's gone.
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