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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Been getting a few flakes here, off and on. 36F currently.
  2. Yeah I just looked at it too, a big step in the right direction for down here too. Hubba bubba! Coastal is much closer to the coast. The snow map includes tonight so up north is a little inflated.
  3. 1.0 units of virga here. Ground is dry. No drips, no flakes when the heavier greens moved through around 2 - 2:30. Currently 37°F.
  4. Nice! He's making himself right at home too. Good Thor :- ).
  5. Congratulations! Puts you in an exclusive category for this winter, lol.
  6. It's actually mostly snow here at the moment, large wet flakes, with a little sleet. 36F. As soon as the back edge of that heavier stuff gets here (shortly), that may be it for any frozen down this way. Nice to see for a moment anyway!
  7. Sleeting pretty nicely here at the moment, mixed with rain of course. Getting crunchy underfoot. 37F currently.
  8. Had about 30 minutes of light rain and sleet from 3:15 to 3:45, temp dropped from 47 to 45F. Sleet was present right off the bat. DP is currently 25.
  9. Very light snow here too, so light that "normal people" might not notice it, lol. Might not be enough to shovel. 32F currently.
  10. 60F here at 1 pm, full sun, nice day! Not sure about making it to 70, mid 60's seems reasonable.
  11. Just had a shower here, with some pretty strong winds. Now it's back to partly sunny and some breezes, 52F.
  12. Radar reminds me of that mid-day dryslot on January 23rd, 2016.
  13. Thanks - would have made a better ending, no matter who won.
  14. Imagine a betting line model, run hourly like the HRRR, with snow maps, lol.
  15. That's twice this winter we've been reminded what serious cold feels like. Hopefully in the not too distant future we'll be reminded what serious snow is like. Though I'd take a grass covering snow and like it.
  16. Lol, yes, a pile, with some snow on it. It sure feels like winter outside today. That snow will probably be there till Sunday, if it doesn't evaporate. That'll make 5 days with snow on the "ground", hubba bubba.
  17. Nice, lol. Technically, we had snow on snow here this morning. Still some snow from the other day on this woodpile (from the tree we lost on the Friday before Christmas). Mini winter!
  18. Had a driveway whitener early this morning! Currently 26F and falling slowly (was 29 at 7 am).
  19. Had those here too on the tail end. Those are "RedSky dippin dots"!
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