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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Wound up with 0.90 inches of rain here. Too bad about the concert ^^... did you see some lightning at least, lol?
  2. Nice outflow boundary! Also looks like another hour or so of steady rain...
  3. I'm imagining it has! Been a real nice storm here, with a few pretty close strikes (<.05 miles), and then more laid back cloud lightning with some nice spread out lightning bolts and the long rumbling on thunder afterwards. Picked up 0.75" of rain, mostly at the beginning, still a light steady rain with some lightning and thunder. An enjoyable way to spend a Friday evening on the porch!
  4. Got a severe tstorm warning here, don't know if it will hold together. Plenty of thunder and lightning off to the west at the moment. Hoping at least for a little (momentary) cooling off.
  5. Is your rain barrel near your sump? Where does the overflow go (from the barrel)? Probably not an issue, but just to rule it out. Or maybe your soaker hoses are really putting out, lol.
  6. Received a total of 0.25" of rain from the tail of that line - it was severe warned here but lightning was minimal as was the wind. July total is now 4.16". Temps cooled off nicely too, 72F at the moment. Savoring it before it gets hot later this week!
  7. Got some rumbles off to the west here, this might congeal into something larger (or not, lol).
  8. Picked up some wetness from a little popup earlier, 0.04". Also got 0.08" this morning. Brings the July total here to 3.91". Nice evening!
  9. Picked up 0.58" late last night, July total is 3.79". Not a bad day out there, still a little humid though.
  10. Was fun watching the approach, in the end it's just a nice thundershower, and did a nice job cooling things down a bit. 68F here.
  11. Picked up 0.11" this afternoon from a tshower that went SW of here, could hear the thunder, rained for about 15 minutes. July total is 3.21" so far. Forecast for Saturday sounds real nice.
  12. Need a rope tow, lol. For right now, every day's a holiday, traffic wise at least
  13. I'm Fungus guy (lawn fungus, that is), which might be worse. If there's any standing water around here I can be Mosquito guy. I've been thinking 87 to 93 and humid until early September, in other words the same thing we've been having. Hope not, but most years that's what we do in July and August anyway. I was doing some cleanup around the kettle fire area this afternoon, and the idea of October weather was very appealing! Eta, wound up with 0.57" total rainfall for the weekend, most of it overnight and this morning.
  14. Thanks for the heads up! Wonder how long that will last? Since you mentioned it, it is pretty quiet here. I could get used to it, lol.
  15. 1.75" for the day here, July total is 2.40" to date.
  16. Picked up a quick 0.58" from the pop ups, looks like further north is getting nailed right now ^.
  17. I figured you got nailed - as mentioned earlier, there were two storms that popped up NE of here and Media was in the midst of both of them. Sorry about the tree and sheds...
  18. Talk to me, lol. Congrats on getting some rain! Getting the back edge of some activity popping up just NE of here, two episodes so far. A couple of fairly close lightning strikes, but only about 0.10" of rain so far.
  19. Congrats, and good luck! Send us snow pics, but don't rub it in too hard, lol.
  20. Yeah it's been like a calmer version of the 3 hour session last week. Off and on showers here, with an occasional flash of lightning and then thunder. Up to 0.43" of rain. Really nice out, 72F, with a little breeze at the moment.
  21. Okay, did get under some yellows and oranges, and just had a lightning strike fairly close. Winding down now. Got 0.20" of rain and the temp is down to a more comfortable 77F, for the moment!
  22. Exactly - can't seem to get those yellows and reds to move across rt. 202. It is starting to get a bit breezy though.
  23. Got a severe tstorm warning here, plenty of thunder and lightning, pretty slow moving so far. Rain seems to be on the doorstep.
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