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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Rain got heavier for a bit as that line passed through, not especially windy, although had some nice gusts earlier. 2.75" so far.
  2. Pretty cool skinny line out to the west. 1.75" so far. Pretty sure I saw a reflection of lightning earlier. Nice stormy night, great to get meaningful rainfall!
  3. 31F here, going to pick up my wife at the airport and the windshield is all iced up, lol.
  4. Outside having a kettle fire and we just had a two minute light shower. Didn't see that coming, not in the local forecast either.
  5. Good luck with the tooth (might be time to medicate), and hope you see some flakes.
  6. Pretty nice night out. Not quite a full moon. A couple of Katydids are talking (slowly). 60F currently.
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb and call for more snow than we had last year! I normally don't predict weather and when I do I'm usually wrong, so you can blame me if we get shut out, lol. Looks potentially interesting though.
  8. Not so heavy here, but had off and on showers with an occasional lightning/thunder.
  9. We had this conversation last week, lol. I think it's something like temps in the 70s or higher for a few days, after the 1st frost but before the 1st snow. But it is certainly Indian Summer "ish".
  10. Monthly total rainfall for September here is 5.71". That includes 0.27" of drizzle since Tuesday, that's a lot of drizzle. About 0.07" of that was yesterday. Saw sunshine about 30 minutes ago, and there are a couple of small blue holes in the clouds. Gonna have to get out the sunglasses (hopefully).
  11. Mine is due too - it's so tall you can't see all the leaves that came down on Saturday and Sunday, lol. Looks nice and green!
  12. At this point storm total is 2.48". Pretty humid here but rain appears to be done, except for maybe some drizzle or sprinkles.
  13. Here in the eyewall we're getting some nice steady light to moderate rain, light breeze about 10 mph, and 65F. 1.90" storm total so far. Lost power earlier, only for an hour fortunately.
  14. Rain started here around 2 am overnight, but most of the 1.10" that we have so far fell between 6 and 9 this morning. Dry at the moment but looks like some showers moving in shortly. 61F. Breezy and occasionally windy.
  15. Picked up 0.72" of rain yesterday and overnight, makes the monthly total here 2.96". Another string of nice days coming up, with maybe some rain this weekend. Had a kettle fire Saturday night, our first of the season!
  16. Picked up 0.14" last night in the late evening action, had some nice ctc lightning, total since Friday here is 2.24". Really nice out now, looking forward to a few days of this. Might consider a kettle fire, maybe tomorrow night since it could be breezy Friday.
  17. Picked up 0.12" from a small thundershower a little while ago. Total since Friday is 2.10", just about right for keeping things nice and green. Cooler temps are nice too, currently 74F.
  18. Well it stopped moving west before it got here, but it made for some nice cool breezes while mowing! Afterwards we had a nice downpour from that cluster moving up from the south, got about 0.50" in 20 minutes, with a couple lightnings not too far away. Gets us up to 1.20" for the last 2 days, nice way to end the 2 week dry spell.
  19. Yeah I have about an hour of mowing to do, wonder if that material to the east will keep backing towards me? Better get busy, lol.
  20. I store mine in the fridge, so it's always around 40F.
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