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Posts posted by KamuSnow

  1. Just finished up a nice round of morphing yellow/orange/red blobs, some wind at times, off and on lightning/thunder, and 0.83" of rain. Very enjoyable for the early evening!

    Along with the 0.22" from yesterday, brings the June total here up to 6.31". Nice turnaround from May...

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Birds~69 said:

    This area is getting waffled. Gotta be 2-3"+ totals and still looping around and staying put...


    North of here is getting nailed too I'm sure. We're kind of in the leftovers zone now with about 0.15" total so far, but the thunder is continuous. Pretty cool.

  3. 33 minutes ago, JTA66 said:

    How much of that is virga? We need Kamu obs as it pushes north.

    Been watching reports from St. John's regarding the missing submersible. I see the reporters and ppl in the background wearing jackets. I googled the weather there and it was in the low 40's. Just added St John's to the possible retirement spots (although being on the coast, they probably deal with changeover issues).

    66F/DP 56F

    I'm under greens at the moment but just virga so far. 65F currently, with a little ene breeze. Comfortable out.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Pretty much wrapped up here, if it clears out and warms up maybe we'll get something later. Mesoscale models seem to think we're mostly done for the day.

    Got 0.61" from that line, some wind up front, no hail, plenty of lightning/thunder. Added to the 0.47" from earlier gives mby 1.08" today, and 3.70" for the week. Nice!

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  5. 2 hours ago, Birds~69 said:

    4:15am, moon looks like a peach/orange/smoke smell, odd, but super cool.

    49F/DP 45F

    May crank some Allman Brothers tunes for the occasion...



    Blue Sky on a smoky day....

    52F here...can't beat these temps, though I think the lightning bugs (and people with pools) would like it a few degrees warmer.

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