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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Thanks! The snow shovels were literally dusty from lack of use lol. This is great!
  2. Thank you, you as well! Just walked on a snow covered sidewalk for the first time in almost 2 years, lol.
  3. Looks like snow is starting to lift north, pretty much right on schedule. About a quarter inch here from the very light snow off and on. Currently 29F with dp 17. This is for Birds~69:
  4. Got a little dusting in shaded areas. Currently 30F with dp @13.
  5. First flakes showing up here under those light green returns creeping over the border. Yeah baby!!!
  6. Just got a warning here, snow is picking up. 35F.
  7. No alerts here but it's snowing (lightly)! Temp on its way down feom 42F, 38 currently. Wind is getting pretty busy.
  8. Relatively calm here now, 55F. Rain total is 3.02", might be about it. Eta: Total is now 3.11". Power back on, yay!
  9. The rope appears to be dissipating, maybe because a new one seems to have formed just to the east. The rain is getting heavier though. Let me show you the ropes:
  10. I like Bbasile's term "Rope", lol. Almost on the doorstep here. Lost power at 8:30. Got the generator gassed up at least.
  11. There's one of those ropes on the other side of the Chesapeake Bay as well, but it may pass west of here. A couple of gusts here were pretty strong, sounded like something landed on the neighbor's roof. Also saw a transformer flash off to the west. The thing is, the strongest winds aren't supposed to be until late this evening. Hold onto your hat I guess. Thinking I should make sure the generator has gas in it.
  12. South facing windows? I'm on the porch on the north side of the house, and yeah its pretty stormy out. 1.53" of rain so far. Getting busy out here!
  13. Yeah and if it's that windy probably some trees down and power outages with the soft ground.
  14. Congratulations! I get it. Mine are staying up as long as they need to, lol. Probably not past the end of March tho.
  15. On to the next one! Had 0.20" of snow and 0.10" of sleet, which puts the seasonal total here at 1.30". Almost 50% more than last season already, lol. It was real nice though seeing it snow for about 3 hours, felt like winter! Congrats to all the inch plus club folks!
  16. Nice. We've been enjoying a woodstove for the last year or so. Loving it.
  17. Been a couple of years since I've seen one as well. A snowplow! Edit - ninja'd lol
  18. Getting some light snow here, for about 15 minutes now. 33F currently. Virga was pretty much nil. It's snowing! That's a start :- ).
  19. Yeah I've been thinking a dusting to sleet to rain for a half inch of slush total, sounds pretty sad putting it that way, doesn't it? But I'd really like enough to cover the grass at least, which would need to be an inch or two. I want that streak over and done, simply because I want snow, lol. It's the weather, and the potential still seems to be there, so we shall see.
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