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Everything posted by Lowershoresadness

  1. its not fair. Reno never has to worry about a shitty Atlantic. We have two oceans to fret about
  2. I thought your user ID read hennessy. cheers anyway
  3. Wentz's career is over, right? No team will want him next year
  4. moving for snow is like moving for a relationship. you'll end up disappointed
  5. when you guys west of the bay get a KU storm I get a FU storm. lets get a region wide 3-6 storm while I open my underwear and socks on xmass day
  6. I've had 4 feet of digital snow taken from me in the past two year woof
  7. haha if that verifies I will run through Salisbury naked but with clothes on
  8. during the ice age it prolly rained from future Salisbury south. hope your right my friend!
  9. can you pick up a package for me? Go to the Nana plaza. Ask for Matilda! thanks
  10. Uranus is in full retrograde. The bury is ready for any warm nose that cometh
  11. F Salisbury only had one blizzard warning
  12. when do Canadian weenies start worrying about sun angle? mid April??
  13. I can count with 3 fingers in my 48 years on the lower shore how many ice storms we have gotten.
  14. very blustery now. light snow still falling. great storm for our area
  15. alright, you guys have fun and keep the info flowing in here as game time approaches. I have to work but will be checking in here and there.
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