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Everything posted by Lowershoresadness

  1. Bob's here, bring out the Cristal, Roxy to the main stage and lets go!
  2. a gut punch? losing a ten point lead in 60 seconds to duke is a gut punch, taking two little blue pills only to get ghosted is a gut punch but I get it. to each their own
  3. too many threads now, my adhd can't take it
  4. you spelled Geraldo Rivera wrong
  5. made one last sacrifice to snow gods with a mow. what do they give me? the best downpour of 2023. thanks, I guess
  6. Can I retroactively dump an ex from 1993. she hated snow and only like the yellow starbursts
  7. 1.Mich 2.Wash 3.Texas 4.Bama (FSU out win or lose)
  8. the Wizards will win an NBA ring before I ever hit 30 inches
  9. is your profile pic John Belushi in quick sand?
  10. like wtf, how can you be a totally different team on the road
  11. Cape how cold do we need it to be from the 15th on over here on the shore for anything of value to fall
  12. Ji is a real person? I thought he was a chatgpt bot who just happened to liked snow
  13. Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight, Never tell me the odds
  14. please tell me you have a big ole straw hat to wear while on that thing
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